Clerical Collar

Clerical Collar

Shining love and joy they stood
on a stony edge of a forest road,
almost falling into the deep ditch.

I stood looking at them in awe.

Clerical collar and wild Bluebells in harmony.
Exuding peace, I even saw a twinkle;
So easy we could pass in hurried life,
pass the blessings along the road.

I continued with glow in my heart
understanding how all living can sing.
Sing the praise of being here and now.

© miriam ivarson



A Cymbal that never rings out
A violin that never sings,
Objects of beauty that lost their voice.

Birds on a branch in silence
People who never laugh
A world dying within.

May we see the light again
See it spread warmth and smiles,
The birds will sing
The music heal pain.

May we then all understand
That kindness and care fuel life and joy.

© miriam ivarson


As I worked in the garden this morning, thanking flowers, leaves,
bees and birds. And so much more.
Thee was such a stillness around – a silence of contentment, of
knowing where you belong. Knowing who you are.

I felt again the strength of the truth, we are all part of the same
planet, the same universe. We derive nourishment from the same Earth.
Our intelligence is also part of the universal intelligence. Complex and
yet simple.


or so we think
and yet we struggle to give,
easy and open smiles like a dewy rose,
Happy sounds like the birds gave me today.

Smiles as open and true as a child’s
Trust and care to those we meet.
A bird on the door handle
Fresh air drifting in.

So simple and yet so heavenly.

© miriam ivarson

A New Path

A New Path

To a new beginning he said
and this is often heard.
I wondered though
might it be another hill or valley;

not to forget river and ocean waves
All movements towards a goal.

A new path to wisdom and growth.

Quietly I admitted,
I should now be very wise.
Is that so? I giggle to myself.
How do I know?

Shall I write them down
all the bends and paths
all the hills and dips?
Then try and count.

I don’t really know

Maybe life will show
maybe we will be wise, listen and learn;
Treasure each chapter as it appears.

© miriam ivarson

Honour your Life

Honour your Life

It is our honour in life
To live fully every minute we are given,
To share our song, our gifts;
To feel the joy and strength within.

See the beauty even when we hurt,
When fear tries to take hold.
Feel gratitude each morning,
give thanks at night.

Banish fatigue the days,
the days it threatens to make us fold;
Just rest.
Hear the birds feeding and singing.

See deeply the beauty
The strength of the trees.

Standing there Sentinels
reaching for the sky,
with strength, stillness and serenity;

Life just is, sun and storm
Always Is.

© miriam ivarson



I feel pain, my tears fall
as pictures show the terror and angst,
of children, women and men
Bleeding, terrified, confused.

Their pain is indescribable and all this
Because of one mad and power hungry man.
How do these murderers get so far?

How did they get so many to obey,
Answer us now, why and how.

Did they follow this bully turned killer?
From the schoolyard and on,
are they so scared that a NO

might make them victims too?

Sun is shining this morning and I watch
people walking their dogs, children go to school.

It isn’t so difficult to live in peace
So Why?

© miriam ivarson



As I sit there on a rock
on the highest top.
Of a little island

surrounded by beauty of the sea

Looking round with a joy that hurts
I see the sea – surrounding me, hear whispers
From the wind talking to the sea and
from glistening rocks, smiling.

Seagulls and terns sail and swoop
with grace and joy, being their pure selves.
Me, I am transfixed to be, just now

part of this peace,
that fills my heart.

Lifting my arms to the sky, I speak
words I never known before
They seem to fill me – like the wind
that lifts the gull.

Scents of heathers drifting down,
Down the rocks
Filling every crevice, filling me.

© miriam ivarson

Let It Pour

Let it pour

They tell me, just write
wonder whether prose would be best,
How can a poem suffice, and yet

I am looking at a sky that shifts and delights
It can’t be captured with a click.
The colours transform and so do the shapes,
All ethereal but never the same.

And how can you portray the swifts flying
with such speed and delight,
Forwards and up and down.
Singly or in almost a murmur.

Suddenly the sun painted a few clouds
in delicate golds and purple,
I bet when I look up, they will change again.

I forgot to tell you about the winter trees
Stretching their dark branches high,
against the backdrop of eggshell and pink.

Would it be that we need to look more,
to drink it all in

to find joy, to find us.
Then let it pour out.

© miriam ivarson

Duty and Love

Duty and Love

Living a life of duty
with the one you profess to love,
Leaves a life without glory for both.

Love can never be faked
nor replaced with another coin;
Love fills all, creates.

Duty can protect, can repair walls
Love dances free, without a fence.

Duty can build castles and shelters,
also prison for spirit and soul.
Love can set us free.

It takes courage to follow love,
its breathtaking dance and trails.
Creating with truth and warmth.

© miriam ivarson

Little Leaf

Little Leaf

Good morning little leaf, so brave
spinning and dancing in the trellis.
For a month you hung on and still do
whilst your sisters and brothers fall.

What strength holds you steady
yet lets you dance so wild.
You encourage me every day.

It knows its time will come, until then
it will dance with the wind,

rest in the sun.

© miriam ivarson