


The word makes me shudder and yet,
have I not been there myself? I wonder,
as I witness the seemingly subtle bonds,
that weaves a web for many of us;

Silken maybe, tighter as time goes.

Disguised under umbrella of love and fun
the bonds keep weaving with beautiful words,
with tempting events, tantalizing baits.

I wake up ever now and again and muse,
what happened to my dreams and plans.
All that meant life to me?
How easily did I abandon my gifts.

I should fly for while, to find me.
To recall and feel who I really am?
Find my dreams, my enthusiasm.
Set myself and my dreams free.

Find those who dance together
Yet leave space for all to grow,

In respect and love for each other’s Identity.

© miriam ivarson


A Life Force


A Life Force

I love his voice caressing my ears
Like chocolate slowly melting in the mouth,
I love his steady gaze as I laugh and dance;
Like sun on the skin a summer’s day.

I love the Blackbird having his morning bath
with splash and preening, making feathers shine,
I love his morning song so full of light
praising the dawn, praising life.

I love my best friend in every way,
her bright blue eyes, her shining hair;
I love the care that shines as we meet,
the laughter we share and at times grief.

I trust her without hesitation,
she holds my hand and I hold hers;
We shelter each other and we fly free.

Could that be what I am trying to say,
Love is a life force
Whatever the situation, love enhances,
Expands our life, expands all creation.

© miriam ivarson


Where Sky and Earth blend


Where Sky and Earth blend

There is always an horizon
so I believed, and there is.
Sitting by the sea as sun sets,
We see the horizon defined
where ocean meets the sky.

The seeming back of the stage
from whence spectacular displays burst forth;

Same happens when we watch the sunrise
or even the Moon throwing its mystic light.

I have stood high up on a ship at night,
in the middle of Atlantic it was.
Saw blackness so black I felt I was blind.
So black that no horizon could be discerned,

not good if you steered by stars.

Makes me wonder about our spirit,
could it be blinded too, only see the dark?
Unaware of the horizon of light.

How easy this could happen in a world of pain,
To not trust the light behind horizons
of dark nights at sea, deserts storms or earth.

© miriam ivarson





Vote of non confidence in Heart
was called
by those who saw Brain as saviour.

My heart shivers with fright,
how can we live in a world so cold,
so mechanical, so pointless.

Would it heal the problems on Earth
would it stop power hunger and greed?
I think not.

Never having been part of campaigns,
I now feel I have to raise my voice for the heart,
For love and compassion
For imagination and creativity.

My proposal is that we teach them to live
really Live a life in harmony;
Using every gift we have been bestowed.

Don’t be a slave of either
Embrace them both, they are yours.

Enjoy the power of a smile
Of thoughts and emotions set free to roam,
To reach the sky and beyond
to give praise to a beautiful world.

My vote is for confidence in both.

© miriam ivarson
