Drunk on Joy

Drunk on Joy

Has it struck you at times, out in free open spaces
how very loud the little songbirds sing
how clear and distinct, from high trees near and far;
Yet their dome is the sky and walls don’t exist

How can their little bodies contain so much
strength, beauty and joy.
Yet, in between they work hard finding food;
Building nests and teaching their young.

I wonder if we think to much whilst they simply live,
rejoice in song and flight when work is done.
Or in between.

Imagine humans bursting out in song, just like that
without wondering if it is good enough, or worse
If you are drunk.

It occurs to me that it would be wonderful to be
drunk on joy and gratitude for being, here and now.

Sing and dance with happiness,
not being so correct.

© miriam ivarson


photo © miriam ivarson

The Fen

My friends, I so wish you could hear
the sound of Dragonfly wings over the Fen,
the whispering of Butterflies as they nectar seek.
Would it be that you could share the humming silence
The wonder, the awe.

I spot a little sparrow on the ground, pecking in peace,
he also is part of the serenity that surrounds.
The stillness that whispers in the breeze
the tranquility of crickets, dragonflies, butterflies,
of us breathing quietly, not saying a thing.

I can feel the sun caress my skin, not burning,
gently makes me feel as if glowing.
Earth is giving up scents so heavenly,
the richness of which I cannot describe.
I wish you could smell it too.

The scent from earth, so generous
flooding our senses.

© miriam ivarson

Photo courtesy Pixaby