
Love makes you strong
yet helpless at times.
Love can move mountains
yet not heal a suffering friend.

We can comfort, soothe and help,
hold a hand, give courage, but
can we remove the core pain?

Is being there enough when storm roars?

I look at the birds and see their ease
their natural being, living free today;
I listen to shouting and angry voices
who think they know how to lead.

I say, you don’t know a thing.
We all need care, love and togetherness.
Not anger and weapons,
lifeless tools for creating a whole.

Fragmented you leave the world.

Let love and care be behind our actions
it is surprising how good that feels,
Remember, we are all the same
and yet unique.

Our souls will whisper our songs
They will all sing in tune.

© miriam ivarson



I close my eyes and see the ocean,
It lifts my spirit high;
Faithful and true, ever strong
it moves and stills, storms and comforts

The ocean was there when Earth began
and never let her down.
Its rhythm and song was Always.

A lullaby and a symphony in one.

As I drift inland, forests appear
Trees of all kind, being their faithful selves.
Raising branches and leaves
to the life giving rain and sun.

Ocean and forest, life affirming forces.
Will mankind ever understand,
the strength and love needed
to give like them.

To create life here that is harmonious
A life that gives in joy, that does not destroy.
A life that wants harmony for all,

A life that leaves creative foot steps,
Footsteps that softly raise minds high.

© miriam ivarson

photos by miriam ivarson