


Is it only through utter, total peace
or its opposite,
sorrow and pain,
That we can experience;

The depth and crest of creation

Not to forget joy beyond words,
Stillness without bounds
where thoughts can’t reach.

Hear the whispers of leaves and grass,
just rejoice in the beauty of a butterfly,
a bird, a meadow field;
Nature seemingly holding its breath,

I want to hold you all, to share this moment,
Of otherworldly tranquility,
Help you see, it is so easy and yet so hard

To leave worries, plans and charts behind,
To taste an hour of total peace.

C/ miriam ivarson




F r o l i c k i n g


Before giving you my poem ‘ Frolicking” I want to introduce the story behind.                         
I have travelled many times to Greece and had the great pleasure of getting to                       to know people in villages on two of the islands and to part take of their lives and traditions
As I love the sea very much I actually did walk down early every morning when most           
where asleep. The tremendous freedom will always be with me as a strongly imprinted       

Some have asked me about my Gravatar and the poem will
explain how this happened. 
Below is also an extract from the internet, one of the beliefs 
about the Dolphin; Delphini in Greek.

The delight of the Dolphin spirit animal is her 
delightfully charming energy with a playful spirit 
and a flirtatious smile, she seems to invite you on 
the adventure of your life. Perhaps you wonder if 
she is a mermaid in disguise.

The ancient Greeks saw the Dolphin as a blessed 
symbol of the sea, a messenger from the Gods. 
The Dolphin has always been a spiritual ally to man,
there are many tales of Dolphins helping people who
have been stranded at sea.”



Like a Dolphin when it leaps and dives,
she is undisturbed in her morning play;
Rising sun and glittering waves
bear witness to her frolicking ways,

Her all encompassing joy.

Just being alive, weightless, untroubled,
belonging to nature’s force;
The sea, the sun, the breeze,
Scent from Olive trees above;

At dawn she quietly walks down,
to the sea where only fishermen arrived,
walk into freshness without words;
Starts swimming, leaping , zinging with life.

Walking back across the sand
in early morning light,
stretching arms to the sky;
saying thanks to Life,

she hears her name being called,

The fishermen ask her to join
at the taverna by the shore;
ordering another kafe metrio;
With a smile she accepts,

feeling honoured by kindness bestowed.

That is when they tell her,
we now call you Delphini,
Blessed symbol from the sea;

with tears in her eyes,
she nods her thanks to each one,
realizing we are all of the sea,
the earth.

© miriam ivarson



The Rock


The Rock                           

I laid down on a rock,
large, smooth, pink granite,
warmed by the sun.

Timeless energies from the rock,
enveloped me;

Soothed my muscles,
received my pains.
Gave ease, relaxation and peace.
A glow spreads within, 

The birth of joy.

The sound from the sea
Joins the symphony,
waves rhythmically lapping the shore,
Singing their eternal song.

I drift into altered consciousness,
of wholeness and clarity.
A sweet voice says “are you o.k.?”
Blessings are complete.

With a smile I rise,
we continue to throw.
Pebbles that skip on the waves.

© miriam ivarson


B o r d e r s



When does a river become a sea
the sweet water turn salty,
does it just flow and mingle?
Mingle in harmony,

How does a mountain become,
yours or mine, his or hers,
is it not always just its mighty self?
Part of the Earth, the wind, the Universe.

So tell me, how can we put borders
on mountains, in rivers and the sea,
How can we draw lines on the ocean,
on mighty mountains lay claim?

How can we, with impudence
Claim the Whole for ourselves

© miriam ivarson

Tor Heyerdahl quote