

Hope sustains me
hope is life enhancing
hope is positive

It has carried mankind
through pain untold.

Giving us strength to see,
there must be good beyond.
Beyond cruelty, hate, sickness
both of body and mind.

Love, its natural partner
This life giving force,
Sure to be stronger than hate.
Love is Life itself.

Without, all will wither an die;
Like plants in a rainless land.

Lifting my face to the sun
I feel tears in my Heart,
tears of grief for pain untold,
Tears of joy of hope for a world at peace.

You are a dreamer I am often told.
Maybe that is true,
If so, I hope for many dreamers
among you, you and you …

© miriam ivarson



Hi to Fears


Hi to Fear

Fear is dark, fear diminishes
Our minds and souls entrapped.
Caught in the net of imagined disaster
We become disabled and stunned.

A confinement we don’t desire.

Say hi to your fears, acknowledge them,
Don’t let them kill who you are.
A child of universe, a star, creativity.
You are that and more.

Let us ask, what do we plant and create
on this Earth of blessings and strife?
May it be beauty, wisdom, love.

Let us make the gift of life count
not drown in non living – alive.

© miriam ivarson







There is sacredness in all living things.
In a blade of grass, in the complexity of a tree.
They just are.
In harmony within and without.

There is sacredness in the early morning song
from each bird, wherever it found a perch.
They glory in the freshness and serenity
in stillness and early morning dew.

There is sacredness in each of us if we give space,
if we don’t split ourselves in two or more.
It can’t be understood, just felt
when we give ourselves up to peace

to the act of listening and being.
part of tranquility, of rustling leaves
part of creation and creativity.

As we are gifted the complexity of mind,
let us use it with wisdom and calm
in harmony with the sacredness within.

What wonders we then could create, in unity
How light we would feel,
when the burden of conflict is thrown overboard.

Finally we realize, the planet and all its life
belong to each and every one.

© miriam ivarson

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Kinship with All


Kinship with All

The Sun kissed my face this morning
as I stepped out on the lawn
lifting my head to the sky,

I raised the arms high in greeting and thanks.

Majestic Oak trees beyond the garden
brought stillness and serenity,
Singing their age old hymns,
Giving without asking for praise.

Still dressed in nightie, I decided
to say hello to each little plant,
Greet every newcomer and those from before.

How at ease nature Is.
Wonder if we could ?

The birds make me laugh as they fly
displaying exuberance and joy,
I wish there was space to introduce them all.
Swallows, Goldfinch, Sparrow, Blackbird,
Doves, not forgetting wobbly Pigeon.

The blessings they so freely give.
Music to make the heart soar.

I stand there for a while, fill my soul,
make sure I won’t forget as the day flows on,
Hoping I will learn this song.

Of belonging and kinship with all.

© miriam ivarson