Masked Smile

Masked Smile

Baffled I stood there,
outside the big surgery
that dispensed Vaccine to the chosen;
A smoothly running conveyor belt.

Each one stood on colourful circles
two meters apart.
One circle line running in
One running out.

Behind a desk a friendly lady sat,
she asked my name and how I was,
I realized our voices can smile too.

Whilst behind our masks we smile
Hoping our eyes will convey,
care and togetherness.
Shared fear and hope.

© miriam ivarson

Silence Spoke

Silence Spoke

Lightly the white fluffy flakes were falling
Outside my patio doors,
I opened and stepped out
Stood there for a wh

The soft snowflakes melted on my face;
Cold but exhilarating.
Silence, mystic silence prevailed,
yet it spoke.

Spoke in quiet tones, of peace.

Nature has so many sounds,
I love them all;
The patter of light rain, the storms,
the breeze through the trees;

Whispers and roars show life on Earth
its indomitable resonance and tenacity.

Now I feel and hear the silence
of pure white snow whirling from the sky,
I cherish the hush,

I cherish the wisdom of old.

© miriam ivarson



There are feelings beyond expressions,
Emotions that can never in words be told
be it in poetry or prose;
Feelings above music and song.

All these mediums and more,
can light the flame;
Make your spirit soar beyond,

To where only rapture resides,
Thoughts suspended.

To where you can feel an ecstasy
Emotion beyond a name.
Where you want to stay and fly free;

Also cry the tears you hidden,
tears, also without name.
Cleansing in their own purity.

Moments of epiphany.

© miriam ivarson