Objects de’Art


Object D’Art

Together they mingle in harmony
the arts, bursting from souls
no longer suppressed or withheld.

Paintings of peace in flowing hues,
some in colours of grief.

Same with legends from Wordsmiths,
at times withheld too long;
Now telling their drams and truths.

The sculptor who this moment created a vase
so smooth, glazed in natures hues.

To tell about the many creative forms
would keep us here too long,

First, lest we forget. Always listen,
Listen to your heart.
Without love and passion

all art is just delightful objects d’art.

© miriam ivarson


sunrise-1949939__340 trees



Stillness, oh stillness you can touch
The morning sun a red-gold globe
Seemingly hanging in the trees,

A hush that wraps all in its arms.

Birds of all kinds are flying, swooping,
are they purely having fun?
Are they thrilled by the hush?

Ancient memories triggered within
about life on Earth.

The air is a heady elixir
tasting of plants and herbs,
In reverence I stop and feel awe.

Could it be so simple and so difficult,
A spring clean of the whole Earth?

Of oceans, forests, cities and air
What a joy and peace each day could be.
I am sure Earth would help with delight.

Smiles and kindness would again light
faces that for long been sad and drawn.

We need our scientists to help,
with imagination, intuition and skills;
To build what doesn’t harm but support.

© miriam ivarson

Walking in the Wood



Walking in the Wood

Walking in the wood this morning
as the sun painted the sky,
I looked, listened to
Life being reborn.

Buds were bursting and clapping hands,
little timpani filling the air.
The reeds around the pond would not be outdone,

they rustled delighted
Brushes on drums.

Birds, I love them, took centre stage
with a full choir singing praise;
to life, to heavens, to all.

Sheer joy.

I saw ants building nests,
very busy they were.
Even wasps droned drunkenly around
finding a flower or two.

I sat down on a stone and dare swear,
the air did also sing
as it gently nourished my skin.

© miriam ivarson