Smokey mountain view

The other morning I read the quote below by Khalil Gibran.

“ For thoughts is a bird of space,
that in cage of words may indeed unfold its wings
but cannot fly.”

This brought me up abruptly, I had dreamt that my words might    
help someone fly. Just as I know how often I read and feel my
spirit lighten and with a deep breath – fly. Above daily worries or

So I debated gently with Khalil Gibran and put forth that whilst 
reading the words became thoughts again and could fly.

Well, the verdict is out but I do so hope I am right. You who take 
time to read this today are invited to be the judges.

Meanwhile I give you a little poem below.

desert: star: sky


With beautiful words you drew me in,
my heart thawed, buds opened,
to promises of rain drops, gentle and kind;
Of love and shelter from storms,

Wows to always be there, to love.
Light candles in the dark of the night,
sing lullabies;
Hold me when fears shook
petals that now dared bloom.

Alluring they are, these dreams;
Do they stand the test of time?
Beautiful words in the wind;
no foundation was built.

I now know, I would rather hold a hand
as I climb a stile,
a hand warm and firm,
a smile as we follow the path,

through woodlands, past lakes,
stopping in awe of hills afar.
So, don’t promise me the moon and the stars,
Just let me rest in your heart;

with your hand firmly holding mine,
your eyes and smile be the stars.

© miriam ivarson


40 thoughts on “DREAM OF LOVE

  1. Thank you Roland for your kind and thoughtful response.
    I hadn’t realised my dreams were such.😊. That makes me happy to hear.
    Dreams based on observation and knowing what you would love to experience might be sustaining. So I dream but ” don’t make dreams my master” 😉🦋

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bernadette, thank you for your wonderful words.
    I am also so happy that you agree with me about our dear Khalil.
    Maybe he forgot that he himself gave us words that flew.😊💕 .


    • Thank you for your complimentary comment. I love stiles too and was going out to take my own photo but weather was too grey. Spotted this on Pixaby and fell for it.
      It is often the simple things in life that bring joy and happiness.
      This doesn’t mean I don’t love watching the sky.😊🦋

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful poetry Miriam and one where the words lift me. My interpretation of Khalil Gibran’s quote is that it is down to us, and our words, that determine whether the cage can be opened and allow the bird to fly. When we write poetry we offer our own thoughts and emotions and it is down to the reader to do with it what they will. I have often said there is no good or bad poetry. There is only poetry and the good and bad come from the words and value judgement we apply to it. An excellent and thought provoking post.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Davy D, I am very glad the words lift you. This is what we all hope for when we write. So thank you.
    I like your thoughts on Khalil Gibran’s quote. In that case I can truly say I opened that cage long ago and let his birds fly.
    / miriam

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A beautiful poem, Miriam, and I have to agree with your take on the idea of thoughts flying. Kahil started to get it right; words can enclose a thought, but if they are the right words, they can also set it free and let it fly. A thought without words is the one that cannot fly. It stays enclosed in the individual’s heart and mind. Only with words can it be given to other people, allowed to move and grow, to perhaps change the world.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Peter for your lovely comment.
      I agree about the comment on Khalil Gibran , we need to be able to open
      the door and let the bird / words fly. By our understanding.
      Let us just hope they are good words that heal and give light as words
      could equally harm.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Miriam, fear not! You words and thoughts are flying…touching so many, providing intellectual, emotional and spiritual stimulus. ❤️Your poem is a tender and honest exploration of true love, where some seek to lI’ve in an idealised form, you describe the beautiful reality of love. It really is that simple…a holding of hands, a smile shared, looking into one another’s eye. Beautiful and reflective poem and thank you so for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Annika for these so very beautiful words you are showering me with. Your review of my poem brings tears to my eyes and if you really experience all these positive reactions I am very blessed.

      My feeling reading your blog is that you see honesty as important as I do any day.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. “Just let me rest in your heart.” Such a perfect line as it expresses what we most long for in love, to find that place of affection and serenity in another person’s heart.

    I think that Gibran meant that thoughts can’t be fully expressed in words as words have boundaries imposed by the limitations of culture and history, whereas thoughts are timeless, universal, multi-dimensional, and have myriad implications that mere words can’t fully describe. And yet Gibran wrote wonderful words we’ll always remember.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Sharon, I am so glad you liked that line which I see it as very important. Without this beautiful words become empty. You mention serenity and I do so agree.

    It is good to see Gibran’s words woke so many interesting and valid points.
    I hadn’t thought of the cultural or historical values. Maybe like Gibran and many others we have to write with care and love so that our words carries across the borders of cultural differences.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What a beautiful quote Miriam! While I admire Gibran and his words, I have personally felt the freedom, which words endow us with, as I have often soared with them, leaving all the anguish and angst behind. When I couldn’t fly with my words, I have found them super absorbent, gathering all those emotions, which were looking for a channel to flow away.

    ‘Your Dream Of Love’ is most romantic…the images are so vivid that I could feel the raindrops, I could see the candles, hear the lullabies and promises, sense the warmth of holding hands and ‘resting in your heart.’ Wonderfully crafted poem. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Balroop, thank you for your beautiful and inspiring response. I love it.
    I totally agree with you regarding Gibran’s quote. Some comments suggest it is up to us to open the door Of the cage and let the words fly. Like you I have found courage and solace in the written word.
    Once it literally saved me as the book I was given by a friend lit up within and showed me what to do in such clarity.

    I am so glad you liked the poem. It just burst forth – maybe from experiences and dreams. I have come to realise that it is the gold nugget of truth and love that is of value. Not trappings. Mind you Balroop, I don’t say no to a celebration with music and song…..


  11. Miriam, I read your quote by Gibran and immediately knew you would question his advise and come up with a truth that’s close to your heart. And why not for, in reality, Gibran is just the same as we are, collecting his thought amid words and sending them off hoping they never get snagged in a cage of words. Instead, they need the freedom to grow and become.

    Your poem is beautiful and your words can bring a tear and a smile to the face… jc

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Thanks for your beautiful comment JC. You are right about Gibran, this truth is close to my heart and whilst reading I questioned him seriously for the first time. Seems that most of you agree that the words can fly.

    I am so glad you liked the poem and hope the tear was a soft one and the smile big.


  13. What a beautiful poem, Miriam! I’ve always loved poetry that draws in the natural world. Your words lead me on a journey through my favorite scenery, so much better with a companion (sometimes. And sometimes I like it all by myself 🙂 ) Thank you for sharing your talent with us!


  14. Julie, thank you for your generous comment, it has my heart ‘aflutter’ 😊 .
    I believe most of my poems draw on nature along the way…even if the subject doesn’t first set out to. As this one was about love there is a companion there too.🦋💕 . I do love nature on my own too, it all depends.


  15. What a beautiful poem, Miriam. I was thoroughly transported by your words into the beauty of the natural world and how it invites the heart to rest. Which brings up the question of words. I think words are inadequate all by themselves, but when they evoke feelings, images, and thoughts in the reader, they become more than simply words – they become something bigger, a collaboration between the writer and reader. ❤


  16. Thanks Diana for your wonderful response. Your words gladdens my heart
    and as you say, it is this communication between reader and writer we all
    desire. If not it would only be a heap of words – albeit in orderly fashion.

    Words read by a receptive reader gains in strength and you say it so well
    by calling this a collaboration between the two.


  17. Miriam! This is Wonderful.

    Putting first Khalil Gibran on his words on the cage and the 🐦 Bird. Making us the judges 😃.
    Your poem is really Awesome as you concentrate more on the Love And the Lover leaving aside the stars and moons.
    It is so important that first the Lover has to be at the side in the atmosphere of those. Or else, what more importance does the Lover has for them isn’t?
    I just loved to read it.👌👍🌷💕

    Liked by 1 person

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