I lit a candle this morning
so steady and calm it burnt,
erasing spinning thoughts.
I smiled my thanks.

Outside the lawn was proud
after the first cut of the year.
I smiled too at the early signs of spring;
Waking flowers and trees.

From slumber and hibernation.

As a little candle could do so much
what could we do?
If with a smile lit our faces
as we go about our days, and say hello

c/ miriam ivarson

36 thoughts on “THE CANDLE

  1. Miriam, thank you for bringing such a sense of serenity and harmony into my Friday!🙏The stillness of the candle is mesmerising and your reflections can’t help but light up my face with a smile. 😀How wonderful to have that first cutting of the grass – an optimism that Spring is on the way and it is heart-warming to see the first buds and flowers out! Soon the slumber of winter will give way to a hive of activity of nature! Wishing you a lovely weekend, my friend! xx ❤️

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  2. Your poem made me pause and think and look at the flame once again, wondering why it is not flickering and yes, it added a smile to my face. Miriam, I marvel at your skill of composing a beautiful poem by looking at a candle! 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh…, thank you Balroop. I was thinking the same, why doesn’t the
      candle flicker. No draft at all I guess. Thanks also for the kind compliment, this does happen often. Bet you do too.
      So it is a result from keeping eyes, mind and heart open 💕


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  3. Pingback: THE CANDLE – WAGADORE

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