Today I walked …


Today I walked … 
I walked along the strand
I walked along the Sea today,
it felt like home, I belonged.

Shingles and sand felt easy underfoot
the air a healing balm,
I felt tingling, alive and strong.

Came evening the moon cast
a street of silver on the sea,
Inviting to a dreamy walk;
Bedazzled I wanted to try.

Next morning the sun painted
an avenue of colours on the sea,
as not to be outdone;
Joyful I wanted to dance.

We love them both, the Moon and the Sun,
Moon with her mysterious faces and charms
enthralls us, draws us in.
The Sun switches on his light and heat;
Bestows life giving warmth.

Yet, without the Sea they would lose,
lose the power to provide life or to enthrall.

So I will stay by the Sea,
breathe its invigorating air;
Walk along the shores and often stop;
To admire the grandiose displays.

Feel the enigma of all three.

Hear music as the hymns from Cosmos
meets the songs from the oceans vast.

© miriam ivarson


67 thoughts on “Today I walked …

  1. Beautiful and evocative poem Miriam. You have added to my beach fever. Funny that we both wrote about the beach today. She is calling me to return. Do you live near a beach? Living inland in Arkansas, I really miss the ocean.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Brad for your generous comment and I am glad to add to your beach fever. I haven’t seen your post yet … will go through and look.
      Arkansas isn’t the best place for easy access and I guess you have a fair bit to travel.
      I grew up on a little island so strands were all around. Now I live a bit more than an hours drive away from nearest.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. You are right Sharon, contrasts are important to show all things strongly.
    Yes, I did get so much out of that weekend. The sea is in this case The North Sea. It showed its smiling face.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your beautiful comment Roland. We do indeed have a kinship
      with these elements and at times the longing becomes physical. A tour de force indeed, to have them all along.



  3. Sea emits serene vibes despite the splashing waves striking the shores. It the sun and the moon that lend their hues to add glory to its moods…you have captured those moments so well with your words Miriam. Stay by the sea dear friend and be blessed!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you Balroop for your warm comment. Especially your last sentence feels like a friend’s warm wishes, so peaceful.
    All nature seems to emit vibes, the forest in wind or storm, the grasses …
    but to me the Sea / Ocean seems to have the greatest pull. With its rhythmic
    sound as small or big waves roll in – like breathing lungs. The way it reflects lights and make them magic.



  5. Miriam, a mesmerising poem full of beauty and wonder. The aura of the moon, sun and sea are vividly portrayed by your words, it is as if I can hear the vast song of the cosmos and ocean at the end! You make the silver streak of the moon sound so tempting and I too would love to wander up this path … as if to infinity. It’s strange how often the sea seems to be part of our very souls, standing by its edge a longed for homecoming, a healing. Wishing you many such moments of magic and emotions that leave you: ‘Joyful I wanted to dance.’ I hope you do exactly that! 💃🤗❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Annika for this beautiful and deeply felt response. I am so glad
      you also can hear and sense the song of Cosmos and the Ocean. It is awesome and soothing. Yes, it is interesting how many feel so drawn to the ocean, a belonging we cannot explain. I just know it is healing and life giving.

      Yes, the joy and desire to dance is a way of expressing the connection.
      💃🎼 .


      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you Jaqui, I smile at the line you have chosen. I had finished the poem – I thought – when I heard/felt a contradiction. No, you haven’t, what about the
    Out came the line, ready made. 😊 .


  7. JoAnna, you couldn’t know how much that comment meant to me.
    I do think the natural world is so full of magic. At times, when we really listen,
    we can also create magic.



    • I so understand what you mean. Stockholm has all these beautiful islands
      but really no seaview, where sky and sea meet. The West coast though,
      from the islands outside Göteborg have unbroken view.
      The poem was written from the East coast of England.
      Thanks for your comment.



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