Today I walked …


Today I walked … 
I walked along the strand
I walked along the Sea today,
it felt like home, I belonged.

Shingles and sand felt easy underfoot
the air a healing balm,
I felt tingling, alive and strong.

Came evening the moon cast
a street of silver on the sea,
Inviting to a dreamy walk;
Bedazzled I wanted to try.

Next morning the sun painted
an avenue of colours on the sea,
as not to be outdone;
Joyful I wanted to dance.

We love them both, the Moon and the Sun,
Moon with her mysterious faces and charms
enthralls us, draws us in.
The Sun switches on his light and heat;
Bestows life giving warmth.

Yet, without the Sea they would lose,
lose the power to provide life or to enthrall.

So I will stay by the Sea,
breathe its invigorating air;
Walk along the shores and often stop;
To admire the grandiose displays.

Feel the enigma of all three.

Hear music as the hymns from Cosmos
meets the songs from the oceans vast.

© miriam ivarson
