

Are we ever good enough to create,
be it in writing or paint?
Doubts that seems like a plague
or might it just make us strive?

Strive to create our utmost, our best.

Does a seed ever doubt itself
as it falls to the ground?
Does it feel small and inferior?
I believe it just does sow.

Follow its purpose and beauty on Earth.

Yet mankind seems doomed to hesitate,
to doubt, belittle and judge;
In lieu of fulfilling gifts we have.
Even the masters suffered this scourge.

Yet their creations lifted others high
Often after they left this Earth,
still doubting themselves.
That is sad.

We might be amateurs or maybe great,
Few will know …
Until after they are dead.

I do hope we all then can smile
wherever we are
and be content with our work,
The light it could spread.

C/ miriam ivarson 



65 thoughts on “DOUBTING

  1. Miriam, you touch on an emotion that rages through most of us with feeling, understanding and wisdom. I love the concept of the little seed … and agree, it just lands, grows! Your poem brings me peace and tranquility and I’ll save this for all those moments of self-doubt about my writing! Btw, I love the images you’ve chosen to accompany your poem and guess Van Gogh is deliberate, plagued by doubt most of his life, then famous throughout the world after his death. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend! 😀❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Annika, your beautiful comment makes my heart sing. I too was delighted when the word seed came. I have this particular plant in the front garden and adore its shifting lights.
      I am honoured Annika, that you save this for your own self doubt days. It does appear that many of us are in the same boat 🚣, or possibly many small boats …
      You are right about the choice of Van Gogh, he always felt small, both in his home and the profession he tried to follow. The same with the art he was destined for. A shining star but didn’t know.

      My weekend is wonderful, just came back from a lunch by the sea with friends. I hope you have a beautiful holiday.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. Miriam, I love your approach to this subject. Dought can be very negative but it can also bring about a healthy change of thought and positive attitude, its all in the beholder to either stay in a negative state or unlock the prison walls. I know very well that it’s not easy but we try.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much JC for your interesting comment. I can see where doubt can bring positive fruit as we will strive harder. However, to be too immersed in doubt takes away the shining star. Follow our inner voice and let the brain do the editing, corrections and keeping order.
      Then possibly cry a tear as it still is not ” good enough ” 😊 .



  3. Miriam, your verses cast light on a vexing question. It is somehow comforting to be reminded that we all have doubts about our own worth, and it is wise to be made aware from time to time that we are all invaded, often disillusioned, by the same insecurities. It is the lot of all creators and inovators.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Roland, thank you for your wise comment. It is indeed rather vexing to
      realise or ponder why so many of us feel we haven’t achieved what we
      hoped. You are of course right about that so many of us suffer insecurities.
      Could these same insecurities – if balanced – leads it to better work using
      humility? Don’t know. 😊 .


      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a beautiful piece. And so true Miriam. I think we’re all plagued with similar self doubts. And we’re all a work in progress aren’t we? Sending warm thoughts to you xx

    Liked by 2 people

  5. touching poet introspection!
    minds do what minds do,
    it quite natural.
    may there be calm breaths
    accompanying grounded steps
    among the trees, earth & sky.
    it’s always possible to change the channel,
    to touch the beauty before us 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Each of us can use some encouragement – at some point, which should serve as a reminder to others to do so – but we should remember to turn to ourselves for encouragement, as well.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. We strive to create something meaningful and worthy and then lie awake at night wondering how far short we’ve fallen. The seed falls and fulfills its destiny without thought or plan, yet we humans have yet to determine what exactly our destiny is. Your poem provides much to consider as I also struggle to figure out what I’m doing.

    Ultimately, it is about about our legacy, isn’t it? Miriam, thank you for a dynamic idea to lead me through the day. Your poem is wonderful.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Sharon for your deep appreciation and wonderful comment.
      I have done this lying at wake at night and worry. It does make us tired and unable to do what we dream of the next day.
      Even it there is a day where you just enjoy your garden, deeply and truly and rest within, you have achieved balance and joy.

      Most of us will take more than one path in our life whilst others might find their calling early. Whichever it is, we need to feel love in what we are doing.
      To learn this deeply and truly might be our destiny.

      Thanks for taking part so deeply in the thoughts I might have put forward, wish we could sit and talk more. 😊


      Liked by 1 person

    • Len, thank you for this wonderful comment. Also, I am totally taken aback by
      the facts I should have known about Emily Dickenson. More than 2000 poems hidden – only four published. I sincerely believe that poets and writers
      aren’t taken seriously unless there happen to be one publisher who by happenstance get startled by something they read.

      Well, Emily’s sister got busy.



  8. What I call three a.m. thinking, Miriam, the dark hours that cry out, “What are you thinking? You can’t do that.” But so often you can. Even if just for yourself, it is important to plunge forward. Wise words. Thanks. –Curt

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Curt, you have me smiling. I can see why you would feel that as you look up at yet another beautiful but impossibly difficult mountain. And yet you climb it.
      There have been a number of poems that came to me in the middle of the night; obediently I sit up and scribble down whatever and see what it was all about in the morning. 3 a.m. can provide a lot of insight. 😊 .

      This particular poem came during day time …



      • I’ve always been impressed with how the mind can come up with creative thoughts and solutions while we sleep. It’s like it is relaxed and can bounce around between our billions of neurons and make connections we can’t normally see during our waking hours. –Curt

        Liked by 1 person

  9. True Miriam, doubt waits at each path but it wants to make sure that you are strong enough to go ahead, it strengthens our determination, gives the courage to take risks but cautions at the same time. Weak-hearted persons may get intimidated by his warning but it shows light even to those if we learn to trust ourselves.
    I like the way you have ended this poem…contentment is the key to deal with doubts, I have always told my children – do your best and leave the rest. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Thank you Balroop for your very interesting comment. Yes, doubts rears its head at the most inconvenient times. You say it wants to make sure we are strong enough to go ahead. It has me in giggles as according to this reasoning I must be very strong although I often felt like I was scrambling ahead. 😊 .
    To put my first poem out there among all WordPress members had me more worried than many very difficult tasks. I guess it is our innermost thoughts that are part of what we write.

    You told your children wisely Balroop.



    • Thank you Andrea for your lovely comment. I am glad you picked up on the positive push from a healthy critique/ doubt. At times I do think though, hasn’t it all been said before? I guess it has but maybe in a different way? 😊🦋 .


      Liked by 1 person

  11. Beautiful and encouraging words to live by. Creativity is so often doubted and discouraged. My favourite verse:
    ‘Does a seed ever doubt itself
as it falls to the ground?
Does it feel small and inferior?
I believe it just does sow’

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Janice for your very appreciative comment.
      That little seed has become my ‘ encourager’ too and I trust more that among
      the words written there will be something that germinates. The Seed still has a headway on me.


      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much for your beautiful compliment, goes with the sun this
      morning. I think the alerts come up but don’t know for sure know. 😊 . There are so many of us that it can be tough too get time to read all.
      You will find me – about once a week. 🎶🎻


      Liked by 1 person

  12. This is a terrific poem, Miriam. I imagine even successful people have their moments of doubt. They just don’t share them with the world. Yes, I also hope that no matter how small our effort is, we can take it as part of our growth.
    Thank you, Miriam

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thanks for your wonderful comment Miriam. Yes you are right, most people do suffer doubts and fears at times. There are many components in our doubts.
    Perhaps elements of criticism, fear of failing, … all through we are driven by
    a desire to share though.



  14. No artist is ever content. Resolved, perhaps, not content. It would be an oxymoron because the duty of the creative is look for more, for different, for better. Discontent is the artist’s lot.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Thank you Phil for your deeply felt comment. I do agree that the creative should be seeking more, finding deeper answers, lifting higher.
    Discontent is tough though, makes me think of Shakespeare’s ” Winter of discontent” 😊 .



  16. Thank you Radhika for your lovely and interesting comment. I am glad you
    can see and feel the messages behind my sometimes quirky analogies.
    I also thank you for the review of my poems , it is much appreciated.
    I might call on you ne day. 😊.



    • Thank you Julie for your positive comment. Yes, it is funny really how
      ” a name ” is made. Whether recognised or not I believe the sheer action
      of creating is a blessing even if it doesn’t pay us a pint of milk. 😊 .


      Liked by 1 person

  17. Thank you for this, Miriam. Lately, I’ve wondered what would happen if I let go and just created art for art’s sake – for fun- without worrying about who likes it. I have a feeling it would be freeing.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Than you JoAnna for your interesting comment.
    We should really just create as long as we feel contented with the result.
    To create in any format only for audience is not being true. Hopefully what
    we write or otherwise create will at time please both. 🙂



  19. Thank you Pam for your lovely comment. Wish we could all reach where
    you are, being more certain of our words and work.
    I guess the creative part of ourselves is more sensitive than other skills as it
    does expose our inner thoughts and feelings. To be interpreted by each one
    the way it rings within them.
    An emotional nudity almost. 😊.



    • Thank you Libby, how true your comment is.
      Why do we feel like this? You notice I question the fact in the poem too.
      There can be times when we don’t know how to write about the light through the prism or the streets with lines keeping us … in line.

      Maybe I will now, your comment just now triggered something.



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