

he said, the young man at my side
“Now I understand.”

Sitting in a mighty Cathedral for the first time,
this beautiful young man just looked;
his eyes followed the marble pillars, the ceilings;
work of incredible beauty and strength.
I kept quiet whilst he drank it in.
After a while, with unshed tears shimmering he said:
“Now I understand” 
It is Devotion “.
So simple, so big his words came.

I couldn’t believe in any religions, they all fight and kill.
Same with politics, he said. They haven’t understood us
at all.
It is Devotion, it is the best word I can think, 
said the 16 year old.

He made tears fill my eyes; I love him so.
I took his hand and and said; “ I see God in your face”
I also hear him in music you create.
We shared a moment that will forever last.

I look at your face and I see God,
also in music from the heart;
I see him in a great paintings too,
I hear God in the whispering grass.

So don’t paint God with long beard
He might be a she – or a storming cloud;
the Sun that warms and give light,
or the smiling moon keeping watch at night.

Create with passion and devotion
in shimmering marble, coloured glass;
in the music you hear in your heart;
We are all part of the Stars.

© miriam ivarson                     


54 thoughts on “DEVOTION

  1. Thank you Roland for your beautiful answer. As your post and question were the ones that made me post today I am specifically glad you found it good.
    Yes, we are all part of each other, of the stars.😉


  2. This an outstanding piece Miriam…a shining example of how faith can be resurrected, how impressionable minds think, how passion and devotion are synonymous! Faith is within us, I believe it is an innate trait just like benevolence or integrity but how the world treats us or molds us makes all the difference. Loved reading your beautiful reflections this morning, they went straight to my heart dear friend. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Balroop, you have me almost in tears with this beautiful response.
    I am so deeply glad how you have taken in my words and share
    the thoughts. I do agree that it matters greatly how the world treats us
    And that it affects our decisions and beliefs.
    How delighted I am having walked straight into the heart of a friend like you.
    💕 Miriam


  4. Ah Miriam, you’ve achieved the nigh impossible, infused the ether with pure light, spirit and goodness in such a way that both religious and non religious folk can understand what we are and how we should be,
    wonderful !

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nigel, what do I say to a comment as sheer as this. My heart was full and I wanted people of all persuasions to feel how rich we all can be – together.
      I don’t believe in the world religion as it carries negative weights too and it carries the very heavy weight of dogmas.
      Your first two lines expresses what I believe in and hope for us.
      Thank you

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you Rosaliene, I am glad you feel it so.
    I came home after midnight that day and once in bed picked up the iPad and just wrote as it came. Oh yes, editing was needed next day but the whole content stayed.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. So beautiful, and so true! You’ve captured the struggle I’ve had with understanding so many things like this–religion and politics both. And devotion does sound like the right word. Thank you for sharing another wonderful poem with us!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sharon, thank you for your supportive comment. There is a danger of creating one image and so rob every human of the freedom to see the holy
    in so numerous manifestations. Like the young man’s face or the swell of the organ sound…..

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you Phil for your strongly felt and expressed comment.
    It gladdens me how many of us share these feelings.
    I liked to see you include goodwill among the important things.


  9. Miriam, as your eyes filled with tears when talking to this young man, so do mine when reading your poem. The sense of purity shines through like a powerful force and this shared moment is a one of joint epiphany, I feel. Wise words from one so young, on the cusp of adulthood his clarity of vision is startling and enlightening. Thank you so much for sharing with us…your post has given a real lift to my day and will stay with me as I ponder this Devotion! Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Annika, I am so glad that it touched you the same – although not surprised seeing your sensitivity in all you write.
      ” A moment of joint epiphany ” you say. How beautifully put. It was and will always be. Very wise and enlightening as you say and I believe it will also be a foundation for him.
      Now, you go and write with devotion. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Miriam. What a wonderful way of putting it. I had always equated mighty cathedrals, music and painting with faith. But the young man’s choice of word brings a different perspective. Devotion to what you believe in, devotion to the joy of creation, both that of the Creator (?) and of you as an individual. May we all follow his example, and renew our devotion to the things that are important to us. The world will be better for it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Peter for your beautiful comment. I believe that many of us would equate the cathedrals similar to you. I just believe I struck lucky hearing this young voice putting it all into one wonderful word. It includes the music, the incredible artwork, architecture and more.
      If we all showed this in our daily life all would be so rich and bright.


  11. Beautiful and moving Miriam and your words provide comfort for someone who has struggled to get to grips with traditional based faiths. I love the thought the concept of God, you speak about, is everywhere and in everything.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Davy, I am so glad to hear that this post gave you some peace in the struggle that you and many have with traditional religions and dogmas. Faith is a totally different thing and puts us also in a place of responsibility.
      Thank you for your kind words

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank you Sarah for your kind comment. Cathedral of Seville; it is known to be beautiful and set in a beautiful area.
    Yes, imagine how many people and generations worked on it before completion. Amazing conception and amazing workers.


  13. These beautiful stained glass windows … tell me, are they in Paris? Fiddlesticks.. what was it called 🤔 I’ll have to look it up .. although I expect someone else in your thread of comments has listed it.. 🌸

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I will take you out of your misery Viola. 😊 The picture is from Canterbury Cathedral. They have beautiful windows there like so many other cathedrals.
    Nice to see you here.


  15. Thank you for your kind comment. I am gladdened that you felt peace from this post. It is a pleasure seeing you here and I look forward to more visits and will endeauver to give only what is true in my heart.


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