Eternal Flow


Eternal Flow

Like a mountain stream leaps and bounds
growing as it merrily skips,
picking up stones and twigs;
Emerging as a lively course;

Carving its way through rock and moraine
through farmland , past towns;
In time as a mighty river emerges,
for fish and man to enjoy,

Ending in quiet surrender to the Sea
so unfathomable and infinite.

So it is with a newborn child,
helpless but filled with life,
laugher and tears win our hearts;
Tender care guides the growth,

To skip away with friends
each day a lively dance;
picking up knowledge and tools;
understanding creativity.

Maturing in power and strength,
yet falling, stumbling and race,
whilst finding inner stability;
Purpose and wisdom to live.

With time reaching 
the mightiest Sea of all.

© miriam ivarson



43 thoughts on “Eternal Flow

  1. What a wonderful and inspirational link, Miriam. To compare a child’s growth with that of a stream is a huge leap in mental imagery. Thank you for giving me something new to think about today. I wonder how many of us come across a dam during our journey? I feel I have long passed the leaping and splashing time of life, but the sea, with it’s depth and wisdom, still seems as far off as ever.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Peter for your strong and positive answer. I am glad if it inspired you inner self to see and feel the deeper strains as the day progresses.
      Rivers are beautiful and often grow quite majestic and calm.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you Kamal for your wonderful answer. I am glad you liked the pictures, the first one is near my retreat in Sweden.
    As to the imagery I now think that this might go for all living things.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wonderful Bernadette and you can be sure I am happy to have inspired you
      to this tithing ( love the word ).
      I like the thought of the sea containing the love of the creator.
      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Miriam, your words paint such wonderful images in my mind. I remember those days of bubbling and dancing down life’s mountain side…the slow moving years through flat farmland where I grew wider and lazy…now, I can hear the pounding of the surf in the distance.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Jerry, thank you for this poetic and lovely answer. It has me smiling as you dance down the mountain side.
      Don’t worry though, the noise from the ocean can be heard far away, take it from someone who grew up with it.:)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Miriam, your poem is timely today for yesterday my grandson was born. Being from a part of the country which claims the mightiest river of them all, your analogy rings of `truths’, although sublime they can be realized with one word, love.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations Jeff, how wonderful and how happy you must be.
    Having grown up by Mississippi you certainly have seen a river at its mightiest.
    My father used to play the record with Ol man river and it made me fall in love with it from afar.
    So my analogies can be realised with the word ‘love’. It is interesting and rings true.


  6. Miriam, your poem flows fluidly tracing the beginnings of the stream to the river and ultimate sea and then moving with ease to the analogy of a child growing up, Nurtured then finding its own self. A beautiful seamless connection between them both to make a rewarding, uplifting and thoughtful poem. Very well done, beautifully lyrically written and I love the photos, particularly the first one in the midst of the forest.❤️😀

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Annika, thank you for your elegant and generous words about my poem and photos. It makes my heart sing.🎶 .
    The analogy of the young stream and the child came spontaneously so I am so very glad it worked. 😊💕


  8. I find rivers very peaceful to sit by and listen, just like you. A boat ride on a big river is also something special.
    Do your u find they feel cold……😉 .
    have a lovely weekend


  9. Your poem reminds me of cascading streams, bouncing down the mountains, from where they emerge energetically flowing down, pushing aside weeds and pebbles…yes, Miriam, they are as playful and carefree as infants (what an analogy!…loved it.) You have captured their journey so well with inimitable images and style that needs to be emulated!
    I could almost hear the music of your stream, criss-crossing the boulders and skipping…just like my little grandchildren! Love, love, love for such a beautiful poem. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Balroop for this extraordinary comment. I think I will have to copy it and read when confidence levels plunge low. 😊🦋 .
      You do a rather inimitable skip yourself from the cascading stream to your grandchildren. Bless you.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. No hurry at all David. 😊 . Just let the stream take us along
    and be grateful for each precious moment even in hail and storm.
    Thank you for your always so poetic comments.


  11. You’ve captured the movement of water in its various iterations, then compared that to the growth of a child. It’s lovely to think of birth and life as part of that eternal movement, beginning with the flow of water until the final return to sea.


  12. Thank you Sharon, I very much appreciate your thoughts.
    It was the constant movement and growth that stood out for me.
    It is also very beautiful to watch both.


  13. Thank you very much, it is a delight to hear I reached you with my words.
    If the words lift or inspire it is better than any medal.😊 .

    Thank you for the follow and welcome to my window.


  14. Rivers, streams and mountains are such spiritual places. The journey of the stream does so reflect life from its source to the final destination with all its ups and downs along the way. I had not thought of it as such until reading your words. Thanks for following my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Lovely to have you here Brian and thank you for your thoughtful comment.
    I do so agree – as you can see – that these are all spiritual places.
    Nature nurtures us and teaches about life.


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