Immeasurable Word


Immeasurable Word

Simple and pure
as a child’s first smile;
Often harnessed, tied, used
by man,
in pursuit of power and gain.

Dictats, dogmas, rules,
must be obeyed, followed,
Roles played.
Crushing the spirit, the mind,
creating slaves.

Writers, poets, artists protest,
try to make sense;
At times succeed
At times condemned,

Their voices are heard
Thoughts are stirred.

Burden of Freedom
this beautiful song,
puzzled me as young.
Burden?  Freedom?
The combination seemed wrong.

Freedom from chains
of fear accepted too long,
habitual, noticed no more;
only a yearning for something lost.

It takes courage to go
to break out,
So much easier to stay;
With the tribe,

then to be judged,
Ousted from the club.

We have obligations to fulfill
but don’t forget,
duty to ourselves
our own destiny,

So open that door,
you can reach.
Walk out unchained,
perhaps condemned;

Your spirit will fly,

into the blinding light;
Follow your dreams, 
with peace and joy,
At times pain.

Courage is at the core.

© miriam ivarson