Mystic Gauze

Mystic Gauze

They say it is freezing fog today
yet through my window I see mystic gauze,
coloured in softest pink;
Surely from the sun behind.

It seems that each time the light shines,
our hearts take flight.

I wonder if the birds freeze?

Indoors a Christmas Rose shines
lit by the sun,
warming hearts, spreading smiles.
A gift to us all.

Wrapping some presents I hum
Yet, realize the best this year
is unwrappable.

The gift of protecting our fellow man
and ourselves,
So we can all meet again.

More caring than ever before.

© miriam ivarson

H o l d i n g



Holding steady, holding firm
Love and care binding.
Floating through air, on waves,
through fears and joy.

Holding, never let go.
That is what the dream showed,

what a dream to come true.

Caring, seeing, holding with respect,
never greedy. Forming a bond of safety,
a circle of love.
A circle unbroken by storm or sun.

Could this dream be reality
Could we divest negativity and angst?

Seeing deep into each other’s souls
knowing them as they were our own,
Real soulmates, forever friends.

Daydream or real, it is for us to decide.
How do we want to lead our lives.
What choices do we make?

© miriam ivarson