


Is it only through utter, total peace
or its opposite,
sorrow and pain,
That we can experience;

The depth and crest of creation

Not to forget joy beyond words,
Stillness without bounds
where thoughts can’t reach.

Hear the whispers of leaves and grass,
just rejoice in the beauty of a butterfly,
a bird, a meadow field;
Nature seemingly holding its breath,

I want to hold you all, to share this moment,
Of otherworldly tranquility,
Help you see, it is so easy and yet so hard

To leave worries, plans and charts behind,
To taste an hour of total peace.

C/ miriam ivarson




42 thoughts on “Creativity

    • Thank you Sharon for your beautiful comment.
      I love the way you describe the line ” stillness without bounds” as a portal.
      How true it was this morning and the knowledge lodged within. 🤗 .


      Liked by 2 people

    • Robbie, what do I say to such a beautiful comment, except – thank you.
      Maybe we all need to take time out on our own at times to let feelings and thoughts flow without force. Just flow. 💕 .


      Liked by 2 people

  1. What a lovely poem, Miriam, and one that reminds me of our adventures deep into nature. Everyone should try to find peace in any aspect of their lives. Yet, it’s so easily found among nature’s beauty while sitting on the shoreline of a freshwater lake or by a stream, or relaxing on warm sand listening to the ocean waves sing. It’s too easy to get wrapped up into the cyclone of our everyday “busy-ness” which then allows peace and beauty to slip by unnoticed. Thanks for the reminder and your photos are gorgeous, too. Enjoy your weekend. 💗

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Lauren for your lovely and in depth response.
      I understand from your response how much you also value nature and its gifts. I see nature as one of the most important teachers and healers. We just need the let go of that ” busy-ness” . 😊 .
      I am glad you liked the photos; two I took as I was writing the poem and the one of the sky and the stream later in the day. With the iPad ! Multi function little machine, my camera was left at home. ❤️ .


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      • I take most of mine with my iPhone now – gone are the cameras. The thing is they take really good photos. I love all of yours, but I’m especially partial to the stream, simply because of how much my husband and I love freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams. 🙂 💕🌻

        Liked by 1 person

  2. There is a peace that is there for all in the world around us Miriam, yet your words tell of something much deeper that few will understood. It is difficult to articulate but it is beyond feeling peace, it is a knowing of peace.
    I say knowing as it conveys the feeling most accurately, many or all can feel relaxed and serene beside a languid river as it gently seeps past in summer, But few will hear the water’s lullaby, the hum and whisper between leaf and breeze or be consumed by the vast blue of a cloudless sky.

    It is in those moments that the shackles are broken and we speak in the tongue of true self; Likewise, when pain and suffering blight our physical, so does our gaoler disappear, leaving the inner soul to escape. It feels like you’re changing your path Miriam, for the better, by walking song lines of the mind.
    Isn’t just being wonderful !

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Nigel, your absolutely stunning response is a document of its own. You make soft tears of release fill my eyes. You have understood so deeply I know you must be ” walking the songlines of your mind”
    You also say ” it is difficult to articulate something beyond feeling peace, it is a knowing of peace. “.

    These words mean a lot to me and for this wonderful comment I am so grateful this new blessed morning.
    Bless you

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Miriam, thank you for sharing the magic and purity of this astonishing ‘otherworldly tranquility’. Your words transport us there and with a rush I feel creativity. It is odd yet perhaps not, how we seem to find out most creative self at the extreme of emotions! Your words a beautiful reminder to view the wonders around, absorbing their peace! Hugs xx 🌺🌸

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you so much Annika for this deep and perceptive answer. If you felt this warm rush of creative force within it is worth writing.
    Yes, it is in some respects odd that both hardship and utter joy brings out our inner strength. Then again, too smooth a road might not challenge us the same. Just pondering. 😊 .


  6. This is beautiful, Miriam! I love that quiet rustling of Nature, especially if there is a little stream within earshot. There’s nothing quite like the serenity fostered by green trees and light breezes, with a few bird songs tossed in for good measure. Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Thank you Julie for your lovely comment. The pure sounds of nature are
    unbeatable I think. They bring calmness and foster deeper creativity.
    You enjoy your this weekend. I do mine but then I am on a few weeks holiday with plenty of time for sea, forests, rocks, streams.:) and yes,
    meeting friends.


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  8. Nature, the divine creation, is so good at bringing us this peace. I’m breathing in the memories of this and looking forward to being still to find that joy again. It’s so easy to find if we stop and listen, breathing in the light. Thank you for reminding me.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Thank you JoAnna for your beautiful comment. How wonderfully you say
    ” I am breathing in the memories of this”. You are right about us needing to stop and listen, too often that seems to be the hardest.

    Keep breathing in the light.



  10. Thank you Sam for the visit and your very kind comment. Brought a big smile to my face.
    It is great to have you following now and you are so very welcome, I will go and study your blog now and get to know what you write.



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