Power of Spirit


 Power of Spirit

We often hear the word, Fight
Negative in its perception.
They fought to the end
Against cancer, disease,
crime, drugs and terror.

Yet, the people I know
who met these adversities
Have taught me what peace,
and real courage mean,

as they persist in enjoying each day
more than ever before.
Seeing clearly the preciousness,
of life and love.
Their smiles humble me.

Crime is rising, so is emptiness;
Lack of spiritual clarity and light.
Drugs, the false antidote
to desolation, inanity,
Pursued goals barren.

More and more now choose,
to spend their days creatively,
maybe less paid.
The gain is a life fulfilled;
In harmony.
As body and mind belong
In unity,
might it not be the truth,
That a happy and positive mind
moulds a better vessel,
Within which to reside.

© miriam ivarson

photo courtesy of pixaby

61 thoughts on “Power of Spirit

  1. Thank you so much Miriam, it means a lot that you feel so. This one didn’t
    just tumble out, it was built on many years of experiences and observations.
    You have a wonderful weekend too, here it is a sunny morning, one to be treasured.
    Miriam…….the northern one😊🦋 .

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As usual you have put your thoughts forward in an elegant way. You had me at the start when you indicated the contradiction buried in our use of the word ‘fight’… perhaps fight and spiritual strength have courage and perseverance in common but beyond that the word ‘fight’ doesn’t remind us of spiritual peace, depth, joy, love, gratitude…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you Janice for your interesting and kind comment.
    The word fight does have negative vibes to me but as you say, courage and perseverance might be what at times is indicated.
    I looked the word up just now in thesaurus and it was interesting.

    Your last three lines ring strongly with me.


  4. Thank you John for your warm words.
    To enjoy life is indeed right as life is our biggest gift. There are times when
    it takes courage to enjoy and then we need others around to support and help.


  5. Thank you Radhika, you have me a bit ‘stumped’ 😊 .
    I thought everyone did observe and feel for what goes on around them.
    Perhaps not? All I know is that I was like this even as a girl.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You made me smile! I’ve learned thinking that our own experience of the world is the norm and perhaps everyone’s (including my own) “affliction”.

      Your observation of the world, as is your poetic expression, is indeed unique and quite wonderful.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much for this wonderful comment.
        If I could say anything that you experience as unique and wonderful I am
        We can be afflicted by many events but we can choose how to cope with them…..I believe. 🌻 .

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you Rosaliene for your warm and important comment.
    Yes, the conflicts around are more than we can even take in and they hurt
    as we all are part of each other.
    I find that I often need to withdraw for a walk, to the garden or somewhere peaceful to find clarity.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautifully put, Miriam. Summing up in a few words (which is a talent you have) the value of life. Your last lines in particular. The body is indeed the receptacle of the mind. “Mens sana in corpore sano”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you Peter for your interesting words. I know the quote you mention
    and realise this is an old truth. Well, I have a feeling it exists in one form or other in many writings.
    Still, true.


  9. The power of spirit can only be felt when we are trapped in darkness. Whether it is disease or drugs, only a person who steels his spirit can emerge out of suffering.
    Miriam your beautiful poem reminds me of Dr. Christiaan Barnard’s story ‘In Celebration of being Alive.’ At a young age, it didn’t make much sense to me! I couldn’t reconcile to this fact…How could we celebrate being alive? What is there to celebrate when we struggle everyday through the alleys of life? At that stage of life, being alive for us is being successful, being able to accomplish all our dreams.
    But his words kept guiding me through the darkest hours of my life and slowly I understood the full import of his words: “the business of living is joy in the real sense of the word, not just something for pleasure, amusement, recreation. The business of living is the celebration of being alive.”

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you Balroop for the kind words about my poem and the
    strong discussion that ensues. I feel I actively felt the joy of life strongly as
    young. An exalted mind can be aware of the strength of the spirit as well I feel.

    Emerging from or going through hardships we will struggle harder to keep the spirit shining and it might even grow stronger. The wonder is how the courage to see the light in the darkness is so strong.

    I only knew about Christian Barnhart as the first man to perform a heart transplant and have read about his life. Never came across the book you mention. Will try and find it.
    🌻🦋 miriam


  11. Thank you very much Jacquie. I am glad you share this view.
    I feel strongly that positive attitude in all things gives more strength
    then negativity and anger.
    I have many examples via friends and family, myself and by following
    world events. We all have when we really look.


  12. Thank you so much Nigel for taking the time to respond.
    I believe to a great extent the experience of knowing close ones
    suffering and overcoming makes one deeply aware.


  13. Miriam, your thought-provoking poem brings ‘spiritual clarity and light’ to us in its poetic response to the troubles that surround us and where many choose to live a life to fulfill one’s soul. So many distractions promise salvation for our discontent – however peace and contentment has to start within oneself. As most here, I too have been with people so sick but stoic and in harmony…fighting in their own way, without the word and its negative connotations. Thank you for sharing your deep reflections with us … it’s not always easy and it takes courage to put one’s work out there! So happy you do and enrich my days. Hugs xx 🌺❤️🌻

    Liked by 1 person

    • Annika, a warm thank you for this deep and considered response. Your words are beautiful. How true are your lines that peace and contentment has to start within oneself. It can be both frightening and a privelage.
      You are also so right in saying that it is not always easy to put ones work out
      there, the hesitation before pressing “publish” 😉 .
      Every time we reach someone else’s heart it is all worth it.❤️🦋🌼

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Powerful and poignant words Miriam. Your beautiful words were like a mantra to guide the start of the week. Each day is a new beginning and we should treasure every moment. Thank you for this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Davy, thank you so very much for your warm and encouraging
      answer. I smile at the words being your mantra for some days,
      how wonderful would that be for me.
      We should indeed treasure each day, every moment. When we reach so far
      we will be very peaceful people.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Jennifer, your beautiful words touch me deeply.
    I will keep you in my thoughts and wish you courage and peace in whatever
    your are facing just now. ❤️🦋


  16. Love this, Miriam! So true. Internal peace is so important, and sometimes we only understand what that means after we’ve been through a battle like serious illness or life struggles. Thank you for the reminder that mind-body balance is so important. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Julie, thank you for your lovely and thoughtful response. Yes, it is indeed
    true that we get deeper understanding as we meet hardships and
    difficulties. Either via our own lives or that of people around us.
    It is how we deal with these that are important.
    We all would prefer a sunny path all the time. ❤️ .

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Thank you Robbie for your great response. Yes, it is proven that constantly
    chasing for more goods, more de-luxe rarely leads to happiness. That does
    not mean I don’t understand the hardship of poverty.


  19. Wise words indeed Miriam. Rather than feel the need to fight everything perhaps we need to learn to accept things more and live alongside them. In this way we can be more positive and make far better use of the limited amount of time we have on this Earth.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Wonderful thoughts beautifully expressed, Miriam. It’s amazing how effective perspective is…for those who face daunting challenges, most choose to fight the fight wearing a smile and offering hugs to others. They are teachers, in a sense, and we should learn from them. No one’s life is perfect; we all have hurdles to jump over, but some are higher than others. Yet, it’s how we react to our adversities that is the key to our happiness and contentment. May we all face each day with a happy and positive mind, and with better clarity and brighter light. Thank you for this inspiration! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Thank you Lauren for your wonderful and in depth comment. You say within your answer:
    ” Yet, it’s how we react to our adversities that is the key to our happiness and contentment.”
    I find this so true too and this attitude is healing both to body and mind.
    You are so right in saying that no one is perfect, maybe better so. Meanwhile we live our
    lives as positively as we can. 🙂


  22. such wise words gently arranged around the soul Miriam, you write from the heart that has felt so much pain and suffering and yet still have the capacity to love imperfections. a lot of the source of the pain in the world is unselfishness and we need to realign our spirits to be kind and generous. I write a few lines here and there about living generously. i am inspired by the patients i encounter and also the people who walk through my life. i feel you do just the same. Everyday heroes inspire me so much.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Thank you Gina for your very deep and beautiful comment. It touches me
    with warmth this morning. Interesting to hear you find inspiration from your patients, I do understand that but wonder how often that is the case.
    I do, as you guessed, draw on events in my life and from people I meet who tell me their stories. Also of course near friends and family.
    I guess most of us do…


    • my patients and their caregivers show me the depth and strength of love and friendship, when a human is at his lowest yet still loved for who they are, that’s a really beautiful human connection. I am very touched with the generosity I see in these encounters, the silent but steadfast love that holds these special people together. am really enjoying your inspirational words Miriam.

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  24. Gina, thank you for your beautiful and sharing comment. I feel lifted by your
    warm and considered comments.
    You share so beautifully the love and care you see at your work among people who suffer and in need. Don’t you think sometimes one can wonder who gives most? Or maybe it is an equal sharing…


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