The Storyteller Speaks / my thoughts

The Storyteller Speaks / my thoughts

It is with joy I dedicate this post to Annika whose blog I followed from the beginning and always found to be one of entertainment and wisdom. 

Be it writing about a visit to a castle, traveling to foreign land or just hiding bottles in the garden and of course, her own creative stories.

The stories Annika has posted have all been of such high quality that I am among those of you who encouraged her to do an anthology. As we all know; she did!  It is out and I bought an early copy. Having read The Storyteller Speak I would like to post my review as below. 


Annika Perry is a natural storyteller, a wordsmith of great talent. She writes at times with the language of a poet, at other times with the sharp and daring strokes of Picasso. 

Sheer light infuse her pages;
Darkness where the soul cries.

Annika’s Anthology consists of stories filled with depth and entertainment. Joy and grief. Romance and thriller. They all share a deep care and love for their characters. The pace is unhurried, yet entirely without superfluous words. You are left totally absorbed in the events and settings.

How does she do it?
All I can say is … Annika, keep on writing.
I am hungry for more.


About the Book 

It only takes one event to change a life. What is that action, decision, occurrence? Whose life is affected? Changed forever? 

In this eclectic mix of 21 short stories, flash fiction and poetry the pendulum swings between first love and murder, from soul-destroying grief to reconciliation. The tales veer from the sweet satisfaction of revenge to new beginnings, from heart-breaking miscarriages of justice to heart-warming Christmas misadventure. 

One common thread binds them all; the belief that there is no such thing as an ordinary life; they’re all extraordinary. 

Open your hearts and minds as The Storyteller Speaks.


You can buy the book at or

You can connect with Annika via:
her blog:
her twitter:
Annika Perry Goodreads: : :

63 thoughts on “The Storyteller Speaks / my thoughts

  1. Wow!! 😀😀 Miriam, what can I say?? Thank you so much for this wonderful and striking review…I am over the moon my short stories caught hold of your imagination – you’ve captured the spirit of them all perfectly! With such fantastic feedback and encouragement I will indeed keep on writing!!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Annika,I am so glad you liked my thoughts on your book as I dare not call it review with my little experience. However, if we speak from the heart I guess it works. ( using a bit brain too) .
      If it has been part of encouraging you to produce more I feel the post has served well.
      You go girl 🎉🍸🎁💕

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Wow! What a poetically romantic review of Annika’s book! It is flowing naturally from the heart, I can fathom that Miriam. Yes, we look forward to many more from such a sensitive writer whose language is a sheer delight. Love and hugs dear friends and congratulations Annika. You rock! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Balroop for your very beautiful comment. Yes, a bit romantic… but then again, why not. We are what we are.
      Yes, we do indeed expect more from Annika and no pressure. 😊 . Well, you got a few books out and know the work.
      hugs 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

    • Bless you, Balroop for your warm and insightful comment…this makes my heart glow! ❤️ I felt so honoured when I read Miriam’s review and also found it has her wonderful poetic touch to it…tantalising! Love & hugs to you … for being here, sharing, caring. Xx

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  3. A lovely review Miriam. I’ve also read and reviewed the book on Amazon, but I couldn’t have put it in such deep and poetic words. You always seem to find the right thing to say. Annika,I loved the book; please keep writing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your kind words Peter.
      I have read your review on Amazon when I bought the book and it is superb.
      The delight is when we all write the way we are and yours is more a ‘ proper’ review.😊 .


    • Peter, I thought the same when I read Miriam’s review…that even here she managed to put her magical poetic and lyrical lilt!! Amazing! 😀😀 I feel very honoured and thank you again for your fantastic review…so much appreciated! Yep, no chance I’m going to stop writing!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh no! This is totally unfair! I can only get the Kindle version on and I have a Kobo! What’s an eager reader to do? Congrats Annika

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for the congrat, Brigitte…hmmm…a dilemma! I do have a Kobo cover!!😀😀 In the near future a file will be released supporting this but meanwhile let me mull this one over…just so cheered you’re keen to my debut book. Thank you so much! ❤️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

    • Brigitte, you can download it onto your pc or tablet if you use one. Not as convenient as an ereader, but you will have it.


      • Now why didn’t I think of that! Harder on the eyes but that’ll have to work! Thank you Peter!


  5. It’s on my Kindle, waiting for the New Year, when I can relax with a hot cup of tea, sink into my reading chair, and sink into Annika stories. Can’t wait – but Miriam, your review made the wait that much more difficult!! xo 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Pamela, your positive and happy personality makes it all sound so warm
    You sink in there, contented sigh, sip your tea and read Annika’s book.
    I believe you are in for a treat.
    I am proud if I made it more difficult to wait.😊💕


  7. Thank you David. Let me wish you a wonderful holiday too,
    maybe with a surprise call or guest among the gifts.
    To celebrate and be able to share is a special gift.


    • Sarah, thank you so much for buying my book and for this wonderful comment!! 😀❤️ I love how you’re trying to limit yourself to one story a day…and sometimes failing! Bless you. Wishing you a lovely holiday break! Hugs Xxxx

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Thank you so much Sarah, your comment is generous. It is great that you
    already are reading Annika’s book. I agree, to read too many in one go doesn’t give the space for the emotions from the previous to settle.

    Let us continue enjoying the holidays, I do so enjoy it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Travelling around a sunny Spain it is easy to miss the blog world.😊 .
      Yes, Annika’s book is on Amazon as e-book and will in a few days be out also in paperback. As you can see from my post I highly recommend it.

      Liked by 1 person

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