Where Sky and Earth blend


Where Sky and Earth blend

There is always an horizon
so I believed, and there is.
Sitting by the sea as sun sets,
We see the horizon defined
where ocean meets the sky.

The seeming back of the stage
from whence spectacular displays burst forth;

Same happens when we watch the sunrise
or even the Moon throwing its mystic light.

I have stood high up on a ship at night,
in the middle of Atlantic it was.
Saw blackness so black I felt I was blind.
So black that no horizon could be discerned,

not good if you steered by stars.

Makes me wonder about our spirit,
could it be blinded too, only see the dark?
Unaware of the horizon of light.

How easy this could happen in a world of pain,
To not trust the light behind horizons
of dark nights at sea, deserts storms or earth.

© miriam ivarson


R e j o i c e


R e j o i c e 

Stars from the night sky
Shine joyfully in plant pot
Sky and Earth rejoice.

©miriam ivarson



So it was, this cool autumn morning I learn
that even in the smallest lies greatness.
Quietly and persistently telling about beauty,
about love and and peace.
How just to be, be who we are.