


There is sacredness in all living things.
In a blade of grass, in the complexity of a tree.
They just are.
In harmony within and without.

There is sacredness in the early morning song
from each bird, wherever it found a perch.
They glory in the freshness and serenity
in stillness and early morning dew.

There is sacredness in each of us if we give space,
if we don’t split ourselves in two or more.
It can’t be understood, just felt
when we give ourselves up to peace

to the act of listening and being.
part of tranquility, of rustling leaves
part of creation and creativity.

As we are gifted the complexity of mind,
let us use it with wisdom and calm
in harmony with the sacredness within.

What wonders we then could create, in unity
How light we would feel,
when the burden of conflict is thrown overboard.

Finally we realize, the planet and all its life
belong to each and every one.

© miriam ivarson

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Dignity in Storm

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Dignity in Storm

The Poplar, so statuesque 
reaching for the sky,
in its richness and elegance;
Fearlessly risking a great fall.

The spruce, so mighty,
more yielding in its strength;
Dancing its wild dance, 
in rhythm with the wind.

Beautiful are the Birches
gracefully bending down,
Letting storm and gusts pass;
With ease rising up again.

Sacred are they all
in their acceptance and grace;
I see them as part of us
and we of them.

Opening our minds and hearts
we give the trees;
Recognition of their own selves,
their sacredness and dignity.

As they give the same to us.

© miriam ivarson
