Fear FEAR Fear


Fear  Fear  Fear

Suddenly the dark balloon bursts, 
with force scattering to the ground
ashes and fragments in multitude,
insignificant now, once content is revealed;

Total silence descends, stillness arrives.
Yet I am bewildered by this drama.
Silence, total silence descends,
Lucidity in quietness, like a flower, grows.

Whilst the wind blows ashes and fragments away.

The sky is so very blue, painfully so,
I couldn’t see that before.
What happened
what was actually in the this fearsome balloon?

It blocked out all light.

Behind the ‘zeppelin’, so filled with fear and doubt
an exciting new adventure was waiting;
Was calling my name.
Whilst frightened I hid below,
unable to accept what it held.

Now I can see the blue sky again, feel the sun
whilst walking, at times run,
Towards the adventure ahead.

Let my bare feet touch the ground
hair blowing free in the wind,
Skin kissed by the sun and breeze.

© miriam ivarson
