The sound of rain
needs no translation,
nor does the sound of trees;
Be it in stillness or storm.

They need no translation to any tongue.
They speak directly to the soul.

The grasses greeting the sun
as they come to life again
can only be understood by your heart.

As for the mighty seas and oceans
They are but sounds so great,
How could they ever be translated
when they speak directly to the heavens.

To your soul.

No translation could ever be as strong,
could ever be so pure:
No language capture its might.
Only stillness within will hear.

Will make your whole being sing.

© miriam ivarson



I close my eyes and see the ocean,
It lifts my spirit high;
Faithful and true, ever strong
it moves and stills, storms and comforts

The ocean was there when Earth began
and never let her down.
Its rhythm and song was Always.

A lullaby and a symphony in one.

As I drift inland, forests appear
Trees of all kind, being their faithful selves.
Raising branches and leaves
to the life giving rain and sun.

Ocean and forest, life affirming forces.
Will mankind ever understand,
the strength and love needed
to give like them.

To create life here that is harmonious
A life that gives in joy, that does not destroy.
A life that wants harmony for all,

A life that leaves creative foot steps,
Footsteps that softly raise minds high.

© miriam ivarson

photos by miriam ivarson

Where Sky and Earth blend


Where Sky and Earth blend

There is always an horizon
so I believed, and there is.
Sitting by the sea as sun sets,
We see the horizon defined
where ocean meets the sky.

The seeming back of the stage
from whence spectacular displays burst forth;

Same happens when we watch the sunrise
or even the Moon throwing its mystic light.

I have stood high up on a ship at night,
in the middle of Atlantic it was.
Saw blackness so black I felt I was blind.
So black that no horizon could be discerned,

not good if you steered by stars.

Makes me wonder about our spirit,
could it be blinded too, only see the dark?
Unaware of the horizon of light.

How easy this could happen in a world of pain,
To not trust the light behind horizons
of dark nights at sea, deserts storms or earth.

© miriam ivarson





Where do we belong, each and every one?
What makes our soul sing and our work dance,
what do we seek, in stillness,

So many questions and no answers,
a teacher I am not.

I love the ocean, both when it rages and smiles,
also I love the forests, meadows and rocks.
They all have their voice, clear and sincere.
As they roar and whisper their eternal truths.

Not a false note nor a lie to be heard,
no lures and baits, just joy and veracity.
The rocks join in with healing vibes.

Among these I belong, feel peace and calm,
where also birds and butterflies live.

Many cities are so beautiful, I grant you that;
In awe I visited many times.
Admired the artistry of buildings famed
of skill and design, of achievements seeming greater than man.

I love visiting these but find the noise and rush,
the tensions and fumes of the streets too much.
Although exciting pulse will attract.

All these thoughts matter, have validity,
but don’t we really belong
with those we love unconditionally
as they do us.

Know us and love us, 
Just for what we are, simply you or I.

© miriam ivarson





There is something beyond the mountains
Beyond the sun, beyond the stars,
beyond my burning, longing heart;

A yearning for Cosmos to fill the soul
with its song so pure and serene.

Sounds from oceans, lakes and forests
fill us with joy and peace,
how can there be more beyond?
I just know there is.

Looking at the complexity, the beauty of a rose
residing on the table as I write,
Does it also long for more or does it know;
The wonder of the Whole.

May I never be blind to the universe
held in a flower, a tree 
nor to the glory of a human heart.

I feel the greatness of the Whole 
is beyond the understanding of our minds.
Still, it is there, giving its gifts each day.

© miriam ivarson





are the Spheres’ whispers and music
the moon and the stars.
Among all noise and commotion,
the heavens just serenely are;

Spreading life giving light and warmth.

the word floated past this morn
tickled my spirit and tongue,
a delicious word
What does it mean to you or me?

I don’t doubt the timelessness
of oceans and seas,
Believe they will always hum and roar;
Their soothing, eternal and rhythmic song.

Whilst storing heat for our Earth.

The sky above, so exhilaratingly vast,
star studded at night.
I am sure it will always be
Timeless, beautiful, filled with mystery.

As to our beautiful, shimmering Earth,
how will it stand the test of time?
Our husbandry is awry and must improve
May we find harmony with the planet we love.

What about us humans, will our love, thoughts,
Creativity of all kind,
be a timeless force
forever drifting in the ether and inspire.

© miriam ivarson





Mr Owl above, wisely tells me that we teach best what we need to learn.
An old adage I tell him but admit I don’t always listen. Hmm …

The first and most spontaneous gift at birth is the breath.
Yet, we often manage to mess even this up. Makes me both laugh and cry,
are we both too clever and too ignorant?

Either way, this little poem presented itself and perhaps I am not the only one
to recognise this phenomenon of breathing.


to the rhythm of the waves,
To the sounds of strong winds
through the forests and glades;
The sighing of reeds by the lake.

Letting breath flow deeply and easily
in harmony with them,
Replenishing body and mind.

Our lives begin on Earth with the first breath,
it ends with the last;
Thus follows that we should nourish and fill
this precious vessel, this gift,

With oxygen freely supplied from each tree,
from all living nature.

So walk straight, fill the lungs
make every cell sing,
with the fervour of a little bird;

At night let easy cadency sustain.

Our heartbeats will slow, to the pulse
of a two stroke diesel;
As it propels the skiff at sea.

All it takes is to be,
in tune with the Whole.

c/ miriam ivarson


Harmony and Discord


As I fold and seal the poem below
into a turquoise bottle and toss it in the sea,
in the ocean that carries our words and thoughts;
I make a wish that it will reach some of you.

Please know, I now feel there is another poem,
a poem about how nature remained,
so true to its ancient self.
All the wonders of strength were there.

The sea, the bluest sky, the shimmering rocks.

Yes, I will tell you about that – another time.


Harmony  and  Discords

Was it so simple then
when I was a child, I ask myself;
Waking to the seagulls sounds,

as they happily greet the morning
soaring and sailing high above.
My heart feels lonely. lost,
there is so much sadness around;

Where once I felt simplicity and joy.

So many worries to attend
so much sorrow in many hearts;
I just wanted to sit by the sea
By the old cafe on the wooden pier;

Recalling the simplicity of life.

I listen to discords and angst,
my heart cries and I cannot sleep,
fearing the dark valley, these whipped up storms

Where is the harmony,
The simple belonging to life.

© miriam ivarson



Solitude and Love


Solitude and Love

I know solitude, its peace and calm,
its loneliness at times;
It fills the shadows where your inner self resides
with clarity, truth and light,

I know love, its burning flames and gentle ones,
its soaring heights;
Growing in abundance and joy
in the dance of life.

Both have been sought since beginning of time,
as separate entities;
Yet, aren’t they part of the same?
Of the song of life.

So in a heart becalmed, the truth shimmers,
Let love dance free in storms and sun,
also to freely live in Solitude.

Never separate the two,
together they enrich and strengthen;
The ocean and sky live in you,
you live in them.

Free and true.

© miriam ivarson


F r o l i c k i n g


Before giving you my poem ‘ Frolicking” I want to introduce the story behind.                         
I have travelled many times to Greece and had the great pleasure of getting to                       to know people in villages on two of the islands and to part take of their lives and traditions
As I love the sea very much I actually did walk down early every morning when most           
where asleep. The tremendous freedom will always be with me as a strongly imprinted       

Some have asked me about my Gravatar and the poem will
explain how this happened. 
Below is also an extract from the internet, one of the beliefs 
about the Dolphin; Delphini in Greek.

The delight of the Dolphin spirit animal is her 
delightfully charming energy with a playful spirit 
and a flirtatious smile, she seems to invite you on 
the adventure of your life. Perhaps you wonder if 
she is a mermaid in disguise.

The ancient Greeks saw the Dolphin as a blessed 
symbol of the sea, a messenger from the Gods. 
The Dolphin has always been a spiritual ally to man,
there are many tales of Dolphins helping people who
have been stranded at sea.”



Like a Dolphin when it leaps and dives,
she is undisturbed in her morning play;
Rising sun and glittering waves
bear witness to her frolicking ways,

Her all encompassing joy.

Just being alive, weightless, untroubled,
belonging to nature’s force;
The sea, the sun, the breeze,
Scent from Olive trees above;

At dawn she quietly walks down,
to the sea where only fishermen arrived,
walk into freshness without words;
Starts swimming, leaping , zinging with life.

Walking back across the sand
in early morning light,
stretching arms to the sky;
saying thanks to Life,

she hears her name being called,

The fishermen ask her to join
at the taverna by the shore;
ordering another kafe metrio;
With a smile she accepts,

feeling honoured by kindness bestowed.

That is when they tell her,
we now call you Delphini,
Blessed symbol from the sea;

with tears in her eyes,
she nods her thanks to each one,
realizing we are all of the sea,
the earth.

© miriam ivarson
