Forest Walk

Forest Walk

Walking the wood today
I felt pain from the beauty filling me,
I wondered why do I write when I can never express,
totally share its wonder in big and small.

I asked the Birch, I asked the Pine
put my hands on their strong trunks.
They gave me solace and calm. they gave me love.
But not in words, so how can I ever tell.

I kneeled on the forest floor, stroked the soft green moss,
also talked to the dryer green /grey ones;
I could feel their whispers and gentleness
enticing me to rest a while.

Words come when they are grown
let awareness and love fill your inner self.

Walking further on the forest floor
birds were talking in their beautiful, singing way
wisely and happy treasuring life,
also feeling grief when trauma strikes.

I also met an Elk, so majestic and still,
seemed to exude consciousness and peace;
He spoke through his stillness and eyes.

I hope one day to speak as clearly as them,
lift spirits as they did mine.

© miriam ivarson