To a Waif



To a Waif

Come to me, my waif, my angel,
Let me wipe those tears
Let me soothe your fears.
be your harbour whilst you heal.

Tell your story if you wish,
I am there, I will hold
whilst stormy tales are told.
Until your cracking heart is cleansed.

Then rock you gently
as healing tears fall.

Like a willow in golden light
You will again dance free,
lift head and arms to the sky.

Free again. Unchained.

I pray you will trust anew,
dare reach out a hand
and I pray it will be mine.

c/ miriam ivarson


47 thoughts on “To a Waif

    • So very sweet of you Robbie, thank you for this lovely comment.
      I wrote the poem this morning, under the trees in a beautiful place.
      In all that peace it just came forth. The subconscious is tricky. 🤗 .


      Liked by 1 person

  1. Brad, I wondered the same myself and am trying to let my subconscious
    tell me. I do recognise a couple of words that give a hint but maybe it
    just is for all who felt this pain and met warmth. 🌻



  2. A waif and an Angel…this doesn’t seem to be a real person! While your kind words offer solace, I wonder which abstract entity is guiding your thoughts? Quite an abstract poem Miriam, with surreal beauty. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 😊 , well Balroop, I will be honest here. I have been called both … each person experience any of us in different ways. The entity that gives the poem and the solace sounds like a haven to dream.
    Thank you also for your beautiful final sentence.


    Liked by 2 people

  4. Miriam, a stunning poem that touches the heart of all who have luck to read it. The gentlest of hymns to all waifs out there … that they are not alone, there is always someone ready to hold, listen ‘Until your cracking heart is cleansed.’ Sublime, confident and empathetic poetry that reaches into the core of very selves! Well done … I always know I will leave your blog with my spirit enriched! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Annika, your beautiful and deep comment touches my heart. Thank you.
      How right you are, to all ‘ waifs’ out there, you are not alone, someone will be there. You have put this so perfect, Annika.
      Altogether your ‘ review’ of my poem has left me uplifted so if I in any way
      can enrich your spirit it is a blessing.


      Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a comforting poem. We all need to be held like this sometimes. And sometimes we are strong enough to be the holder and comforter. The picture intrigues me. I imagine she looks at the dawn which always comes after the darkness. She is cleansed and healed, ready for something new.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you JoAnna for this wonderful response. You are so right, the caring and comforting should go both ways. Be there when needed.
    When you come to the last picture I can only say, I am grateful. That is what
    I am inferring. 💕 .


  7. Such a gentle, soft, comforting and welcoming place for anyone who needs a shoulder to lean on, with wordless story, even. Just sit and be embraced and let the tears cleanse the soul. Great poem, Miriam

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you Miriam for your beautiful response. I am touched by your
    understanding. We don’t always need so many words, our actions can
    speak so much stronger.



  9. Thank you Julie for this sensitive comment. I do so sympathise with you about missing your
    mother and have been there and still do. The poem wasn’t written with this in mind but I do love how
    both poetry and literature can give so different to each one.
    The main point is that it gives and I am grateful to you for sharing that.



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