Where Sky and Earth blend


Where Sky and Earth blend

There is always an horizon
so I believed, and there is.
Sitting by the sea as sun sets,
We see the horizon defined
where ocean meets the sky.

The seeming back of the stage
from whence spectacular displays burst forth;

Same happens when we watch the sunrise
or even the Moon throwing its mystic light.

I have stood high up on a ship at night,
in the middle of Atlantic it was.
Saw blackness so black I felt I was blind.
So black that no horizon could be discerned,

not good if you steered by stars.

Makes me wonder about our spirit,
could it be blinded too, only see the dark?
Unaware of the horizon of light.

How easy this could happen in a world of pain,
To not trust the light behind horizons
of dark nights at sea, deserts storms or earth.

© miriam ivarson


45 thoughts on “Where Sky and Earth blend

  1. When earth and sky blend…the horizon, a poetic place has been captured so well in this poem Miriam. Yes, there are two perspectives – one as dark as night without the stars and the other igniting it with our own light. Both are beautiful but I like the second one.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your beautiful comment, Balroop. Like you I prefer the light
      but there was a huge lesson standing in such total darkness. I felt deeply how infitissemaly small we humans are, I felt both frightened and comforted.
      I went up to see the sunrise next morning and felt joy.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely images! And your words make me think I am there… I am the horizon itself and from earth a part of me is, maybe that is the still point and that makes me glad to read your beautiful poem. Over and over. .. jc

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you JC, for your beautiful and mystic response. I am glad you enjoyed this poem which I think is trying to show the light behind the dark. Your trademark mysticism puts another angle to it and I can see what you mean with ‘still point’.
      We are all part of the horizon which is part of earth…..



  3. Beautiful and thought-provoking poem, Miriam, and your photos are gorgeous. Even through the storms, we need to trust that light shines beyond the horizon, waiting to free us of our pain. 🧡

    Liked by 4 people

    • Jacqui, it is a delight that you liked this post.
      I use a mix of my own pictures and pixaby ones. The forest one could be from Sweden or your own country. Sand dunes I believe Sahara .
      Could check it out for you…..💕.



      • Jacqui, nature rules on the ocean, Earth including desert.
        I have no worries about the photos, I don’t know which of the two you talk about. However, I found them both on free images at Pixaby. Where did you get yours. ?

        My pics were just to illustrate the dark and light of my poem. 😊.



  4. Wow! 😀 Miriam, I just love how your poem weaves from a gentle grounded start to a moment of epiphany that has me sitting back in my chair, deep in thought. The spiritual depth here is intense, shining a bright light for us all.

    Your experience on the deck of the ship in the mid-Atlantic sounds incredible and almost life-changing – I’m trying to imagine such blackness and feel only fear! You are one brave lady! hugs xx ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    • Annika, your comment is just wonderful with such deep and even spiritual
      understanding. If you see the light, it is because you already have it within you.
      Your last paragraph is wonderful too and you are right that the experience meant a lot and lives in me. Oh, I was scared first. 😊💕.


      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Roland, your comment is thoughtful and so true.
      Nature has its rhythm which of course we are part of. Electricity has changed a lot of the total darkness that was at night before.
      Light does indeed win though. 😊.


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  5. Yes Indeed, Miriam, our minds can indeed be blinded to the beauty around us. But it is always there, from the smallest flower to the most spectacular sunset. We only have to see. Once again you have produced magical worlds that capture the world we live in. Thank you. –Curt

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