sunrise-1949939__340 trees



Stillness, oh stillness you can touch
The morning sun a red-gold globe
Seemingly hanging in the trees,

A hush that wraps all in its arms.

Birds of all kinds are flying, swooping,
are they purely having fun?
Are they thrilled by the hush?

Ancient memories triggered within
about life on Earth.

The air is a heady elixir
tasting of plants and herbs,
In reverence I stop and feel awe.

Could it be so simple and so difficult,
A spring clean of the whole Earth?

Of oceans, forests, cities and air
What a joy and peace each day could be.
I am sure Earth would help with delight.

Smiles and kindness would again light
faces that for long been sad and drawn.

We need our scientists to help,
with imagination, intuition and skills;
To build what doesn’t harm but support.

© miriam ivarson

57 thoughts on “H U S H

    • Ahh …, Louise, it is not the first time our thoughts drift the same way. 😊.
      It would be a wonder if the future could hold some of what we dream or
      know is needed. I will look out for your post with great interest.



  1. I too have noticed the delight of birds Miriam. They have been singing loudly, a subtle reminder that we need to tone down our noise. Thanks for dwelling on hope – what could exemplify it better than the rising sun! Stay blessed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am happy that you too have noticed the increase of birds and song. New species are even appearing. So many signs to give us hope and sunrise is indeed a good time to take it all in. Yes, what would we do without hope.
      Thank you, Balroop.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love everything about, Hush, Miriam. The sounds of silence, the word used to quiet a baby. I kept returning to your sentence “A spring clean of the whole Earth?” It really made me think how true this feels. Also, thought-provoking how scientists use science and their “intuition.” A beautiful poem full of hope and promise.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Erica, my morning coffee doesn’t stand a chance against your so very uplifting comment. Thank you 😊. I was a bit dubious after writing whether to take the spring clean sentence out or not. Decided it wanted to be there. Just think, all fresh and new and filled with hope and optimism.
      Also glad you liked “intuition”. 💕.


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Miriam, I can sense the ‘Hush’ reverberating from your poem and feel cosseted by your words! 😀 What a wonderful image of the Earth being Spring cleaned, one can sense its joy and relief, an emotion to be mirrored in us all. Oh yes, may the scientists ‘with imagination, intuition and skills’ to help rebuild it for us all! Wishing you a lovely weekend, Miriam! Hugs xx ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Annika, a big thank you for this beautiful comment. It is wonderful that you actually felt the Hush and felt cosseted – like a child, comforted. To me also, spring clean always sounded joyful and if that emotion can be mirrored in us all we can give that joy to Earth.
    As to the scientists, I thought it better to set out the building blocks so they don’t rely only on their clever brains.
    May your weekend be happy and sunny. 🤗💕.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Curt, thank you 😊. Being such a nature lover yourself you know how it talks
      to you. The air is so much cleaner, it is amazing how pollution has gone done
      and quick. 60% in many places. It is just so beautiful! Bless.



  5. Social distance can make us grow fonder and more aware of the needs of each other and the world we share. The risks and sacrifices are not yet equally divided, however. So it is up to all of us to call with one voice for a more peaceful and just future for all of humanity. Your poem beautifuly concludes with this idea as you call upon scientists to use their power and knowledge to bring about the healing of our one earth, once and for all.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your deeply felt and wise comment. I feel heartened
      hearing your views. The need to be close to your family and friends is almost
      painful. To share a hug, some laughs, have a meal …. just share.
      It specially gladdens me to hear this call:
      ‘So it is up to all of us to call with one voice for a more peaceful and just future for all of humanity. ‘
      There is a lot of changes and work needed to find the harmony and peace.



  6. I love your conclusion in particular. We need our scientists to be just and wise as they heal the planet. The risks and sacrifices of many are uneven at the moment, but the rewards will be shared equally if we work together to appreciate Earth’s beauty and our need to take care of each other.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. “Could it be so simple and so difficult, A spring clean of the whole Earth?” It would be wonderful if we started a new tradition, not just for Earth Day, but for the whole month of April, do stay home and do a spring cleaning for the Earth. But of course it will take a shift in our collective thinking to respect and use science in ways that are ethical and healing. Thank you, Miriam, for generating such thoughts and hopes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, JoAnna, for your positive and lovely comment. I feel a smile
      growing from the heart to my lips. Spring clean, makes us think of our homes, and they can enjoy it too.
      The big one does, as you also say, need the engagement and collective thinking of all. Each one of us, we all have something to offer. Whatever our work in life. Used with care and skill we can create a New World. Or choose to continue destroying the beautiful one we were given.


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  8. Just lovely, Miriam, and I’m holding on to the same sentence others have: A spring clean for the whole earth? These words make me think about this pandemic and the why’s. Your last line is especially poignant. Enjoy your weekend, Lauren 🌷

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lauren, thank you for your beautiful comment. It is interesting how the line I thought might be too simple has woken most interest. It is indeed with the pandemic in mind and also what we did to Earth before this illness befell us all.
      I am so glad you liked the last line to, without a change we have just suffered but not learnt the lesson.
      This Sunday morning is beautiful, first thing I did was walking out in the garden and enjoying the serenity, the birds song, the birds…., they are trying to teach us to sing.


      Liked by 1 person

    • How your comment gladdens me, Andrea. The Earth desperately needed to
      heal, we just didn’t count on the price.
      If enough people want a solution I am sure we can do it. There is strength and knowledge in this world. Rightly used it can create wonders.


      Liked by 1 person

    • A warm thank you for your perceptive comment, Kate. I am glad you liked that line as we really have mucked up this planet and now need to clean it.
      Both literally and emotionally.
      Keep well


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    • Thank you, Julie, for your beautiful comment. Just so, before the world wakes. The last stanza felt important as it takes knowledge to create new ways. I am not an utopian but believe good work needs starting or we will
      slide further.



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