The Contemplative


The Contemplative

In the whisper you find yourself
The contemplative being within,
seemingly fragile, needing peace;
Always striving for space.

In a world where storms roar,
created by nature and mankind
We need to find a temple of calm
where clamour can’t rule.

With no haste, the room is there
bide your time within.
Rising with the morning rays,
The Contemplative smiles.

It was always there, the space,
Let the wonder of light and colour
be the decoration of your special room.

It is within you and me,
within all who want to see,
Access the depth of ourselves
Of nature and life in all form.

© miriam ivarson


40 thoughts on “The Contemplative

  1. I’m reading Thomas Merton right now. This reminds me of his journey — a journey we are all on if only we take the time to notice. It can be so easy to rush through life without understanding or appreciating anything we’re doing! Thanks for the reminder to slow down and take time to embrace the big picture.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I have only read a little of Thomas Merton but understand it is a book I would like very much. It is sad that so many of us rush, I have slowed that tempo as
      I noticed how it robbed me of myself … and life. Odd.
      Thank you Adrienne for your very kind and interesting comment.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. “In the whisper you find yourself.” A nuanced thought, perfectly written. So much possibility – were we lost or hiding? Were we misinformed or ignorant? Whose whisper, when did we start listening? You begin the poem with such a perfect line and then explore the dimensions within, still leaving options – this one is excellent, Miriam.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sharon, thanks for your brilliant and warm comment. Whose whisper indeed?
      I was hoping to awaken questions within as we then ourselves see the
      answers and possibilities. Your compliment is received with joy for having
      reached out.


      Liked by 1 person

  3. The calm within…the most powerful asset, it lies dormant Miriam, till we feel and nudge it. Thank you for the reminders. It is the cry of modern times, I agree with you. Lovely thoughts, well-penned.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow! 😀 Miriam, a showstopper of a poem!😀 Beautiful, deeply spiritual – I love how the outer storms symbolise the internal strife within us all, how we fight to find tranquillity when it exists all the time. We just need to still the inner whirlwind. I’m grabbed from the very first sentence “In the whisper you find yourself”, hooked until the final perfect ending of
    “Access the depth of ourselves
    Of nature and life in all form.”
    Just so! Yes, let “The Contemplative smiles.” xx❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Annika, what can I say about such a beautiful “review” as this. It is
      such a wonderful feeling to be so deeply understood and reading those
      erudite words. The outer storms do indeed represent our inner turmoil at
      times and effort to still this and find ourselves. Our true selves.
      Thank you Annika and may you also smile.🤗💕.


      Liked by 1 person

    • This is a very good question, Björn. I do believe we carry this space within
      us but we need to give our attention and be quiet to give it a chance.
      Personally I have a special corner in the garden where all seems to be peace
      and I hear , really hear the sounds of nature which transports me.
      In winter we might need to find such a spot in a favoured spot.

      We all can find our way, that is my belief.



  5. Hi, Miriam. First, I see many blogger friends here, which gives me that “clue” you mentioned in your comment on my own post this morning about the type of person you are. Wonderful people enjoy other wonderful people, I’ve found. 😉

    And while we’re at it… wonderful poem. One of my recurrent themes is the need for cultivating silence where we can listen to ourselves without distraction. Let’s keep encouraging people through every means possible. It’s the only way we can truly change and grow.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Erik,
    Lovely to see you here and that you recognised many blogger friends.
    Yes, you are of course right, I did mention ‘clue’. As they say, show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.

    I am very glad that my poem and message rang true for you. There will be many a time, I think, where we talk about the same yet using the voice we
    were given.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Bela. Your comment is as positive as your writing.
      Interior designer, that has always tempted me. Were you going to do
      one room in sunrise colours? Thank you, Bela, for your beautiful words.
      I bet your designs are magic too. 🤗 .


      Liked by 1 person

      • I love design. But I haven’t done a lot of it for others, simply because I refuse to cater to someone’s ‘bad taste.’ Of course that means it’s not something that I could live with 😉 Nor is it good feng shui, which, to me, is essential.

        Sunrise colors! I would say yes, my palette definitely follows nature’s lead! Blessings, Miriam ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  7. You are so right, Radhika, we all have this space within. I love finding how many do agree. The clamour does deaden the voice of the stillness far too often. Thank you for your kind response.



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