To Love Now


To  Love  Now

Not the memories past
nor the dreams of future;
Love this moment, feel and see,
banish the cataloguing brain

At least for a while.

How can we take for granted
to see the birds flitting and feed,
Singing and playing in the trees.

Or see the wonder and immensity of the sky
the grand Cupola of Cosmos above,

Just now the heavenly scents from flowers
drift through the door. Should I not just Be?
Of course I should
and say thanks for the gifts and their multitude.

I wonder if I can bring this peace through the day,
pack it firmly in a corner of my heart.
I will tell you if it worked.
Or whether packing boxes won out.

Love the Now is not a new theory,
it is the only way to live, to feel joy.
Maybe we can convince our brains

Could they possibly live in harmony?

© miriam ivarson



60 thoughts on “To Love Now

    • Thank you Robbie for your thoughtful response. In many practical terms and frame work of our lives we do plan and hope to succeed.
      However, we can’t live there, we can only live now. One does not cancel out the other.


      Liked by 1 person

  1. Miriam, thank you for reminding me/us (your readers) to STOP and just listen. Breathe in the moment. STOP thinking about what has to be done. Just B E. The most glorious state to BE in. (And how I loved your description of the sky, “the grand Cupola of Cosmos.”) Your poetry always makes me feel good inside. ❤

    Liked by 4 people

    • Pam, thank you for your beautiful response. I have a feeling you already know how to BE quite frequently, your positivity bears witness.
      You do make me so very glad by saying my words make you feel good inside. What better praise can one get. ❤️ .



    • Rosaliene, thank you so much for this beautiful comment. When it dawns on
      us deeply that Now is all we really have, reality shifts somewhat.
      It doesn’t mean we don’t believe in future, most of us do, but what memories
      can we create without living now.
      Bless you ❤️ .


      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your generous and descriptive comment. I smile at
      all this racing back and forth and how right you are. Lingering in
      the moment is what I am doing this Sunday morning with doors flung
      open to the fresh air outside.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the wonderful comment.
      Two Miriams thinking the same must make it right.😊 .
      It also gives you time to see, really see, the butterflies, the roses
      stubbornly making a last comeback before Autumn really takes over.

      So much, so beautiful and yes, sometimes we have to linger on sadness for a while.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for your generous comment, Kate. I agree with you, it is hard for us
      ” modern ” humans to quite get it. Everyday practice will help and give more smiles and happy surprises. 😊


      Liked by 1 person

    • Herein lies the crux. Do you think we can gradually win and feel the peace.
      Bet you do on the trails. I do start my days in tune ..
      The brain is one great worrier though, always solving things ahead and fearing. 😊🦋.



      • We come preprogrammed in so many ways, Miriam, and most of that programming goes back to our very beginnings as a species. There is conflict even within our own minds. Culture can influence us in one way or the other and certainly meditation helps. But it isn’t easy, to say the least. Our very survival may depend on our ability to succeed, however. –Curt

        Liked by 1 person

      • We certainly do carry a great amount of ‘programming’ as we arrive. From ancestors a long way back. We then proceed to pick up more ‘ programming via our cultures, nurturing from home, and of course from people we meet.
        Yes, there is often conflict in our minds and that is what I want to try and still.
        To do what we do, here and now. Be it our work or watching a mountain.

        Yes, to succeed in what we chose is normal … as long as it isn’t programmed. 😊 .



  2. Thank you so much Diana, I am happy you felt my words.
    You are so right that it is only in the moment we are fully alive. Yet, how good
    aren’t we in trying to live forward and backward. 😊❤️


    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you so much Julie. To really be aware and find that stillness within, whatever you do. Smelling the roses or doing the dishes. 😊 .
      Nature is and will always remain our teacher and balance.


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  3. Wonderful comment, Kamal, thank you. Just imagine if we could all reach
    out with love and harmony. How healing wouldn’t that be for our world.
    😊🦋🌻 .



    • I agree, Sharon. Could they possibly live in harmony. I believe so but only if
      we first find harmony and peace within ourselves. Then we use the brain but doesn’t let it take over. Yes, if we really want I believe we can.


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