


Woke to a soft morning, felt whole,
warm under duvet, hands hugging my shoulders,
I smiled at the sleepy hug;
Stretched, felt every limb start to sing
as I allowed time to just be – before day begun.

Opened the curtains and saw the sun
hugging my garden, the trees, the sky;
All seemed pure and renewed,
only distant rumbles from planes high above,
Bringing people here and there.

Content with my place just now
until fate decides otherwise as mystery unfolds.
Arrived from one haven and landed in another;

I realise I am blessed.

© miriam ivarson

55 thoughts on “Blessings

  1. Content with my place just now
    until fate decides otherwise

    The whole thing, indeed the whole experience in a nutshell. Succint enough to qualify as BAM. If I steal it form you I’ll let you know!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Phil, thank you for your strongly appreciative comment.
      You picked one of my important couplets, well done. 😊 .

      Yes, please let me know before ‘ stealing’ it 😊, I would love being quoted
      in any of your work.



  2. The secret lies in ‘just to be’…stay blessed dear Miriam. When we are aware of our blessings, all mornings seem pleasant, all difficult moments melt into awakening tips. Thanks for this positive nudge. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Balroop for understanding so well, your comment shows this.
      ‘ Just to be ‘ … aware of our blessings even when the going can be tough
      at times. I am so very happy to share positive nudges with you, I am at times
      teased for my positive attitude. One should be more realistic …! But which is the more real. Have a wonderful weekend you too my friend.


      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jerry, for your warming words, they make my heart sing.
      Like you I do most days take time to thank for all blessings each morning before any grumbling gets a chance to fester. 😊 .


      Liked by 1 person

  3. And we are blessed, Miriam for your insightful and spiritual poetry, reminding us about the very simple moments in life being the most precious!😀 Thank you so much for sharing your haven with us, and giving me the gift to really ‘see’ the fortune of my own! I will pause to ‘allowed time to just be’.

    Wishing you many such mornings, Miriam … life is too special and unique for anything else to interrupt such blessings. hugs xx ❤️🌻🌸🌹❄️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Annika for your beautiful and deeply felt comment. I am so glad
      it has re-awakened the power within you to see the daily treasures in your life.
      You are right, life is special and unique and too often we forget and let small
      or big concerns destroy what we have.
      Hugs to you too my friend ❤️🤗🌴


      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jaqui, I am glad you like this poem. You have me smiling as you
      pick up on the ‘ distant rumble’ , I know you have written about how to indicate rather than tell. The planes are high overhead when they pass 😊 .



  4. Another classic poem Miriam. It’s easy to forget the importance of the simple things in life and taking some time out from all the hustle and bustle. Even the sound of a plane overhead can form a piece in the jigsaw.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Mike for your kind and complimentary comment. Classic indeed.
      It is so true that we need to feel joy even in the small things in life, just now
      the sky is turning softly red and colouring the houses I can see. All looks
      soft and attractive.



  5. Thank you for your lovely comment Sharon. It lights up our inner self when we see all that is positive. Family and friends are a bedrock but not all have that either. So blessed we are, and as you so rightly say. Blogging friends … pen pals 😊 .


    Liked by 1 person

  6. Is not the key to life held within your words Miriam? The ability to derive pleasure, contentment and peace from what we can see, hear and feel around us is the Grail we should all seek. And as your wonderful poem illustrates, it is a quest that requires only movement of mind not body.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dear Nigel, thanks you for this beautiful and amazing comment. I am touched to tears. The ability to see and feel the seemingly small pleasures being the key to life … the Grail . Reading you ur wise words I wonder now whether that is why real joy often can be found where there has been or is suffering.
    Or where the nurturing years keep us close to nature and it’s strength.

    Thank you again Nigel, for visiting and lifting.



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