Fragility and Strength


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Fragility and Strength

Fragility and Strength
complement each other,
as dragonfly wings within its structure
or the delicacy and tenacity of a spider’s web;

As a rope of sisal
each straw building strength,
On their own they wouldn’t withstand;

Strains and wear borne each day.

Tenderness within a shield of love
creates a force of vitality;
Like gossamer and sinew in their opposites,

All create a Citadel of resilience and peace.

As does the Sunflower reaching towards the sun
anchored by its roots to Earth.

Sing a song each morning, or hum;
See how the dark forces flee,
they don’t like positivity,
Lose their courage in the face of joy.

© miriam ivarson

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50 thoughts on “Fragility and Strength

  1. Natalie, how could I not be touched and yes..proud.. of such a beautiful comment. Thank you 😊. The sharing is the pleasure and also fear of most writers. How could we not though?



  2. Thank you Jaqui for your lovely comment. I have many photos of spiders’ webs taken early mornings. Beautiful and strong.
    I feel we need both fragility and strength to create.



  3. I like the way you have ended this poem Miriam…hope and positivity may tread slowly but they do affect us, steering us out of the contrasting situations we struggle with. I choose strength though fragile aspects of life have their own charm. I choose light though darkness acquaints us with real life.
    Thank you for compressing so much of life into this poem dear friend. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you for your positive response Balroop. I am often told how
      strong I am but know very well about the fragile feelings that also exist
      within. I really do feel they move together. Just like light and darkness.

      Have a wonderful weekend you too. 💕



  4. This is a lovely poem about finding strength in fragility, and fragility in strength. You are right when you say they both complement each other, and each one drives the other. As you alluded to, so much of nature is exactly this. Delicate flowers look to the sun for growth, but in the winter they give up and wither. And then the cycle repeats. Wonderful work, Miriam 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your beautiful comment Mabel. I am glad you also can see and feel the how fagility and strength combine to something even better.
      And so it is within us as well as in friendships and partnerships. At least I think so. 🙂 🌻

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Miriam,
    I marvel at your wonderful poem and it makes me think of the simple process of reading unlocks the strength of its words. And as strength and fragility are opposites it makes sense that to get to the one you must honor the other. Go deep into the soul and you open up a treasure chest of untold strength amongst what may seem as fragile… beautiful.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Jeff for your beautiful and deeply thought response.
      Your interpretation of my poem feels so true and makes me glad.
      It is also so true that by reading we unlock the words, I love that saying.
      As you unlocked mine. 😊 .



  6. Miriam, a beautiful poem of opposites … the innate contradiction follows us through life, nature, souls but all the time complementing and a necessity of each other. You capture the fragile nature with tenderness and love, reminding us of the strength within. Your final stanza leaves me smiling, even humming perhaps, as I delight in the thought of joy overcoming the darkness! May it be so! 😀❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Annika, thank you for your wonderful and deeply felt response. With
      sensitivity you say :
      “the innate contradiction follows us through life, nature, souls but all the time complementing and a necessity of each other. ”

      I am glad you can feel the joy and belief in the last stanza, to feel that darkness fade in the face of joy. 😊❤️🦋 .


      Liked by 1 person

  7. Sing a song each morning –
    Well told. Music has no inherent evil.
    “If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Phil for your great comment.
      I had never heard this quote by Kurt Vonnegut but will copy it down. It is great. After all, music is expression of our inner self. It has no practical use.


      Liked by 1 person

      • Now, here’s a real discussion. Why are authors denied the very useful expressivetools of a composer? If words were written like notation/lyrics with all of the dynamic symbols notated undere the words? Crescendo, dimuendo, ppp to fff? Read in that manner all sorts of ridiculous dialogue tags would go out the window. Think about that. A crescendo under a line as opposed to “She said, her voice gaining volume along the way.”

        Liked by 1 person

      • No sorry Phil, this is interesting and fun. I have given it thought and can see one glitch in the argument. Poetry is read directly by the readers ( audience )
        whilst the music is never read by the audience – only by the professionals who perform it. Or of course us how read it and play at home.

        I have had a few of my poems read by a poet I respect greatly and have the gift of reading poetry. It really made it sound quite beautiful. 😊.
        Similar as the musician playing.



    • Sharon, thank you for your beautiful response. I am delighted with the
      line you choose from the poem.
      The photos, I picked the fender because it has to take so much beating and I like the boat behind. 😊. The shimmering but strong web speaks for itself.



    • Thank you for your beautiful comment Julie. I feel so delighted that you liked and understood the imagery. I even researched the dragonfly wings 😊 to make sure I wasn’t totally in fairy land.
      Did you hum this morning then ……💕 ,


      Liked by 1 person

  8. An intriguing piece Marion which seems like you’re walking us on a songline of thought. You remind me, strength comes in many guises, the need for mutual support and not to make assumptions on face value. I read much more besides, like a life lesson and I thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you Nigel, your comment is as intriguing as any words of mine. 😊.
    I do so love your phrase ” walking us on a songlines of thought” .
    That is a stand alone and dear comment.

    Yes, strength does indeed come in many guises and fragility can easily be hidden behind to our own detriment. It is wonderful tho share these thoughts
    and they enrich us. I know yours do every time and many others among

    Liked by 1 person

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