A bit of my heart



A bit of my heart

I send out, as I publish thoughts and dreams,
yet the heart remains unbroken;
being replenished,
By the act of giving.

It is a moment of “knife-edge”, a friend said,
do you give or do you withhold,
take the risk of being misunderstood

Or just ignored.

Is it the fear of being unseen,
creating hesitation,

like a child building a castle of sand
wanting praise and smiles,
To be known.

Creating is a force within,
without outlet we burst;
Let it flow with abundance,
Never to be a chore.

It is enough if a soul or two
recognise each other,
find succour in the words.

Share song and tears
with free and trusting hearts.

© miriam ivarson


54 thoughts on “A bit of my heart

    • Jaqui, thank you for commenting in your busy time.
      You must have experienced the moment of ” knife edge ” many times so understand my questions.

      The girl reminded me about myself as girl except I didn’t know about water wings… we were just taught to swim. Very early.
      Maybe that is what I should have thought of. 🤗 .

      ~ miriam


  1. Lovely thoughts Miriam, we must give even at the risk of being misunderstood, hurt or ignored. Giving is really fulfilling and all that we give comes back to us. So keep giving even if it is a bit of your heart! What can we give? I have this extract from one of my poems to share:
    We give a little happiness when we smile.
    We give a little hope when we listen patiently.
    We give a gentle message with our tender touch.
    We give some confidence with our friendly nudge.
    © Balroop Singh.
    Read full poem at: https://balroop2013.wordpress.com/2015/12/24/what-can-we-give/


    • Thank you Balroop for your comment. I don’t know if giving always comes back but feel we should dare give regardless.
      Giving in words, in painting, sculpting and many other art forms are a matter of interpretation by the recipient. So in these cases we take the risk of – in our case – words being misunderstood.

      The physical forms of giving you describe I find easy and natural to give. It is my words I have to trust more. That said, I know musicians that have been performing for many years and still feel the ‘stage nerves’ at the beginning of each recital or show.

      ~ miriam

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  2. Thought provoking poem Miriam expressing an age old dilemma. Do you play safe and keep things to yourself or do you express yourself in public and risk ridicule. My view is the latter. Take the risk -we all have the right to express our thoughts and opinions. So you may be criticised, but that’s only another persons viewpoint. It would be a boring world ideed where everyone agreed with each other. As someone once said, “Publish and be damned” (Mind you I believe that quote was said in the days before the internet).


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Mike for your open and interesting answer. You are right,
      we should dare be forthright and in any artistic endeavour we would otherwise be fake. Do you agree?
      I laughed at the quote you give in the end. You are right, no internet and therefore criticism before publishing. 😊 .
      ~ Miriam


  3. This touches on what we learned as kids: If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. It works for the playground when we’re young and for social gatherings when we’re adults and for business environments when we need our jobs. But when we write or create any kind of art, we’re exposing a critical part of ourselves: our view of the world. We take the chance of being exposed and ridiculed or admired, but that’s the risk.

    Your poem is really wonderful, Miriam – you addressed all of these issues. Only you can answer for yourself. I think you’ll find your audience, one soul or ten or ten thousand. One day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sharon, thank you for your beautiful answer. You are right, we learn and use
      polite behaviour in social gatherings – be it schools or work or parties.
      As you noticed I questioned writing and art in all form. Yes, we have to
      have the courage of our convictions and stand tall even if it hails.

      Your praise is so beautiful and valuable Sharon. I do smile at the ten thousand…😊🤗 .


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  4. Isn’t it WONDERFUL, when souls find each other, recognize each other, and understand each other? I’ve had the experience of meeting a stranger and knowing, immediately, that the person is not a stranger, that somehow I “know” him or her to the core.
    Thanks for sharing your poem-from-the-heart. Always express yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Pam for your beautiful comment, so happy…just like your smile.
      I know what you are speaking of when you talk about meeting a stranger and know straight away that we ‘ have met’ …recognise each other. It is almost weird but wonderful. The same can happen in writing and our blogs are a witness to this.
      I will continue to express myself and you will tell me when it is bad. Deal.😊 .
      Just as long as you also continue.

      ~ Miriam

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      • You will never express yourself in any other way but a beautiful one. Period. And yes, I was going to comment on how we can meet souls we “know” through blogging too. Miraculous and wonderful!

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  5. This was just what a waning confidence needed to read today, and I’ve read it several times. You’ve expressed all of the feelings of putting ourselves out there, whether joy or bits of insecurities, through whatever chosen art form. These parts especially resonate with me: ‘creating is a force within…let it flow with abundance” and “it is enough if a soul or two recognize each other”. Thanks for sharing what you share.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Lynn for this beautiful answer. That you needed it today just goes to prove we should not withhold as we never know where our words – simple or not – may be needed. That you read it several times is indeed an honour for me.
      The quotes you used meant a lot to me too and made me realise that we should do what we can if we feel called. So you go ahead and drop that silly
      cloak we often hide behind. Just be.
      ~ Miriam

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  6. Wow! Miriam, there is pure beauty in your poem and its thoughts! I am sure I will not be the only one inspired, uplifted by your words … given reassurance about sharing one’s work. May we all follow the hope of your last two lines:

    ‘Share song and tears
    with free and trusting hearts.’

    Yours is one of many souls here on WP with whom I feel instant recognition, understanding – a blessing to have such a friend. Keep writing and sharing your work – the world is a better for the wisdom and creativity of your poems❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Annika, thank you for your wonderful and deeply reassuring comment.
    In spite of your great experience of publishing on your blog I wouldn’t be surprised to find that you also have these moments…….is this worth while?
    Maybe it is natural…what do I know.😊 .

    Your last paragraph is so beautiful and I am equally glad to have you as my
    friend. As to the world, hmm….well, maybe each person is a word in their own. That would work. 😘 .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Julie for your worderful comment. How true what you say is and
      seeing as most of us want contact and sharing with others it makes sense
      not to shy away from being who you are. 🌷 .


  8. You’ve captured the essence of what we as artists think/feel Miriam. We, for the most part are ‘Outsider’ poets, that is we are compelled to create but without expectation. We should crave not admiration yet give free rein to our desire which is to express, share and communicate what we think, feel and see to others. Positive feedback is for me, and I suspect most of us, an indication I’ve reached someone, and this is ultimately a treasure beyond avarice.
    I’ve been hoping you would take this path Miriam, and I’m already so delighted with what I’ve just read, I feel you’re opening new doors and creating new songlines, and I can’t wait to read more.
    Brilliant piece!
    Thank you

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Nigel, my heart sings as I read your wonderful comment. So full of wisdom
    and care.
    Your first paragraph does so beautifully express what we as poets should feel
    if we are true to the calling. You are so right about the feedback too and I see it that reaching some people’s heart is what gives me courage for the next post.
    In spite of hard day’s your heart remains strong and clear and you give so much to your fellow writers and in your deep felt poems.
    I will follow new songlines but might one day ask you where you see them.😊 .just so I dont get lost.
    Thank you Nigel and be blessed


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  10. A beautiful poem Miriam which captures perfectly the creative mind. I think sometimes we can be held back by thoughts of what other people may think and a feeling of failing. As you rightly say, get your art out into the world and if it touches one person then it has made its mark. I think too much sway is put on artificial boundaries such as how many likes a poem or piece of art gets, how many followers someone has. These can take someone away from their true self. Your poem has created many thoughts and feelings so thank you for that Miriam.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Davy, thank you, another wonderful comment from the “Northern lot”. I love you guys. 😊 . Yes, many of us have an inherent shyness or at times self doubt. The joy of writing is helping me a lot.
    It is for me to a great extent the element of opening up your inner self which we need to do unless we write technical or lecture stories. Of course we have to admit that comments that partake in your poem or literary work does mean a lot, we feel the connection and that is a soaring joy.

    I do so agree that we should never write to sway artificial boundaries. Great expression of yours. I am so glad to have reached your mind and heart Davy.


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  12. The essence of all art is to have pleasure in giving pleasure. – Mikhail Baryshnikov

    I told a kid the other day who said he wrote to “make attention to himself.” I posted the quote above, abd told him if he wanted attention he could get that with a fart in church. Write to share, to illuminate, to entertain. Fart in church for attention.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Phil for your comment. I love the quote by Mikhail and couldn’t agree more.
      To share, illuminate and if you can – entertain. Maybe to light something within.



    • Thank you for your comment Kate and I am glad you liked my poem.
      I don’t feel repressed but more like an old saying from home which translated
      does sound clumsy but here goes, : ” don’t bring the desires and sorrows of your heart to the market”. Wise in many cases is right but it can also limit some of those feelings that sharing enriches.
      As I say in the end ‘ Share song and tears
      with free and trusting hearts.’

      ~ miriam

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  13. Beautiful words and thoughts of sharing who we are even though it is a risk at times, Miriam. If everyone internalized their deepest feelings, never expressing through creativity, the world would be gray – no shades of happiness, sadness, or excitement. I don’t believe anyone is without insecurities at one time or another, but there is also a feeling of accomplishment by simply ‘stepping out’ and letting the universe know just what is consuming our minds. If we share our joy, it is most probable that our joy would spread, for a smile alone is contagious. It’s therapeutic to also let free what worries us, whether from a pen or a paint brush. You have provided great inspiration for all your readers. Have a wonderful weekend ahead, too! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Lauren, thank you for this beautiful and in depth response, it gladdens me.
    How right you are, it would be a gray world if we all withheld our feelings and passions. I also agree that most people suffer insecurities at times or often.

    I like you saying that a smile alone is contagious so heartfelt sharing should be the same. To be inspiration to anyone makes everything worth it.
    Have a wonderful weekend yourself 🤗 .


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