Earth Is Crying


Earth Is Crying

The Earth is shaking itself,
with storms and quakes
showing its anger and unease,

As dictates and hate
fly between East and West,
murmurs heard from the rest.

Threats of annihilation,
anger that contorts;
ready to slaughter us all,

To satisfy Ego’s tremendous growth.

Do they care in their Citadels?
do they hear?
the screams from dying and dispossessed.

They talk about “Us”,
pretty words, I grant;
How can they sleep at night
with so many lies?

Do they cry or laugh
or feel fear too?

From my peaceful garden I cry,
for the chaos and waste;
the suffering,

How come anger and hate lead,
Why not love?

© miriam ivarson


43 thoughts on “Earth Is Crying

  1. Miriam. Every word in there is perfect. That should be engraved on metal plates and sent to every world leader. I think the one cause of optimism is that the Earth is greater and stronger than any of these madmen, and it will endure, as will humanity, in one form or another.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Peter for you flattering and empassioned response. Earth and us are strong and resilient. May our strength be guided by compassion for all. Every day.


    • A warm thank you Shiva for your deep understanding of the longing
      I try to express. Yes, compassion, empathy and love are the true way
      for us and our beautiful planet.


  2. Miriam, I feel the words to your poem intimately after sitting here in the middle of this Hurricane season. It seemed for a while that the storms were parked in the Atlantic waiting their turn at the toll gate. But nature has a way with silver linings. So much debris and branches were scattered all over my yard and house. And once I cleaned all the debris out I looked out at the trees and they look so clean and full of bird and squirrel, butterflies and frogs are out and about along with the bees. Even my old owl is happy these days.

    Nature shows us our potential and little by little we all turn our faces outward and see her as though for the first time.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for your response JC. Yes, storms and hurricanes have through known times yearly passed our lands. My worry is that the storms and devastations caused by man might not have a silver lining.

      Except if we change and work in harmony with all.


  3. Poignant thoughts that stir many emotions, Miriam. Earth cries, shakes, roars and warns but she possesses an incredible power to absorb, heal herself and bounce back. The real consequences of showing disrespect to her are borne by her inhabitants. Thanks for highlighting the need of the hour.
    How meaningful do the lines of William Wordsworth seem even today “To her fair works did nature link The human soul that through me ran; And much it grieved my heart to think What man has made of man.”

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Thank you Balroop for you deep answer. I couldn’t agree more to the truth of nature’s power to self heal. Is there a limit? We do not know.
    Human race have to bear the consequence of their actions, do we want to carry on so?
    I do love the quote you give from Wordsworth. How calm and poignant.


  5. A good question so well put…at the end I had an image of ancient Gods playing out their drama with no regard to the lives of humans on earth … leaders without love, integrity, vision, and sense of responsibility are so dangerous and disappointing.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Thank you Janice for your interesting comment. Funnily I did feel the marsh
    of wars through the ages too; you gave it colour with the ancient Gods.:)
    Yes, the sitution today is by no means new, only the advance of engineering and science have by far outstripped the growth of emotional intelligence.

    Instead of fighting man to man one can today kill indiscriminately and in masses. With sophisticated weaponry.
    In the midst of it all, let us be believers in that the good will win!



  7. Miriam, wow! I’m shaken with the power and emotion of this poem; a compelling and forceful lament to the leaders of the world. The very physical reaction of Earth is brilliantly portrayed and contrasted to the lack of any feeling from those in charge. As to your question at the end…why not love indeed? It really does seem that simple…maybe united we can effect some change and cause them in their ‘Citadels’ to take notice and care?

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thank you Annika for your beautiful and clear sighted comment. I do feel powerfully about the subject but it is difficult to paint in a few words….or even many. So obvious and yet one feels the voice too small.
    As you say..maybe united we can make the voice heard. I sincerely hope so.

    It seems so natural and obvious that we as humans should want the same. Beauty, peace, kindness, creativity of a life that fulfills…….I could go on but fear you will fall asleep. 😊💕


  9. Thank you for your comment. Yes, angst does come into my words.:)
    The solution seems so simple but the choice does in the end lie with each individual person.
    Yes, I too believe that love and peace will win. We just need many believers.



  10. Thank you so much Julie for your strong and beautiful comment.
    I do agree totally with you about nature and its quiet strength to foster and calm. Indeed a refuge.
    I pray with you that sanity will prevail and believe in the good.

    Have a lovely weekend


  11. Thanks Pablo,
    Maybe it is trying to tell us to shape up and learn to live life fully and with compassion. We humans have the capacity to good and evil, we need to listen.


  12. Dear Pam, I treasure your beautiful words.
    The world is as you so beautifully say: ” achingly beautiful and , yes, sad “.
    I am not blind to all the kindness and love, we just need more.
    Miriam 🤗🌻🦋 .

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thanks for your comment. It seems to me that part is the power hunger and quickness to hate that cause much of the killing and stream of dispossessed.
    Whether they had poor homes or not so poor homes, the bombs are indiscriminate.
    Love will survive, hate will self destruct.


  14. Pingback: Weekly Haiku – Senryu Prompt Challenge – 10 – Plants & Fresh Air – Ramblings of a Writer

  15. It is often said that we get what we deserve. Unfortunately this often results in arrogant and ignorant leaders and governments posturing, preening, and playing brinkmanship like children in the playground but with much higher stakes. I’m not sure it will ever change and all we can really do is live our own lives in a more tolerant and civilised way. Often such small actions lead to big changes. I live in hope, but I’m not holding my breath.


    Liked by 2 people

  16. I agree, it is in each of our lives that we can make a difference. The more people that believe and act with care and understanding the more light there will be. So we work on ourselves and hope all these ripples will be strong and carry love and truth with it.
    The playground now, how true. One point came to me whilst reading, there are also many children in playgrounds that don’t play these games. 🦋😉 .

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your warm comment. I am glad you feel the same about the
      possibility that one day love will prevail on our planet.
      We dream, we work and write…….all our ripples will have some effect.


      Liked by 1 person

  17. For some reason, the film ‘Return of the King’ (Lord of the Rings trilogy) came to mind on reading your passionate, and heart-stirring poem. I guess because of the close call between harmful forces, and those seeking good for the world. It can feel very dispiriting at times, but your poem is a good rally call, and reminder that we can each make a difference through the choices we make. Thank you for sharing it.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Helen, you do honour me by this comparison to the much loved Lord of the Rings as to the message in my poem.
    I believe most of us seek the good for this world and all who live here. Yes, it is very dispiriting at times but without hope and a positive outlook I think we would perish.
    Thank you for your beautiful comment and it is my joy to share it.
    / miriam🦋 .

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