My Window


My  Window

Some of my best friends are what popularly

is described as “Bloggers”.

Through following them I have been fortunate

to meet and care for many of their followers

and fellow Scribblers.


You are some wonderful and imaginative men

and women, ready to share your gifts. To dare

be open about your lives, your beliefs, travels,

there are too much to list.


After long and soul searching deliberation I have

decided to open my window wide. Let the invigorating winds and breezes flow.

To embrace people from around our beautiful planet.

To share with you.

As I dare take the step and cautiously open that window

I comfort myself that to create a symphony we need all the

instruments.  Be they big and small.

This is how it all started.



I got a bump on the head

Walked around dizzy and confused.

A Muse walked in, took my hand,

wrote a poem with me.

I read it in surprise.

Bewildered I wondered,

How could this be?

The muse will soon leave,

When bump on the head has healed.

But the impish Being stayed,

at times I ask her to wait – whilst I finish

shower, call or a chore.

It has lifted my spirit to have

my Muse around,

Wise full of fun and care.

Is concussion a cheap price to pay?

Should I say ‘thank you’

to the lorry driver

who bumped the car?

He did after all,

open the door for The Muse.

A lesson to be learned,

In most difficulties

we will find,

The seed to wisdom and joy.

©  miriam ivarson




27 thoughts on “My Window

  1. A very warm welcome to the world of blogging, Miriam and one I am sure you will find enriching and enjoyable! 😀 I’m so happy you have opened your windows for us and I can’t wait to see the views!

    Ouch! Your poor head…I hope you recovered quickly after the lorry bumped the car? How fortuitous that it gave you the Muse – we never know what life is trying to teach us! It’s a matter of paying attention though and giving time to the imp of creation within us! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you so much for your warm welcome Annika and I so hope to have some “views” to show.:) . I have been following your blog a long time and can’t think if one post that wasn’t enriching.

    It isn’t indeed intriguing how seemingly negative events can lead to new discoveries and surprises.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much Bette for taking the time to wish me luck. I do need it😉 as I guess do most of us.
    Yes, I love those dark lilacs and the lavenders. Every window in this house has a view of some aspect of the garden and I feel blessed each morning.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nice to meet you Miriam. I’m honored and delighted that you found me at Roughwighting – it’s a delight to have you join and comment on my blog, and I look forward to doing the same on yours. YES, your poem got it just right. We bloggers form friendships that are different than any other. We may never meet each other (I’m in the East Coast of U.S., yet I ‘talk’ to people on your side of the pond often, as well as in Australia and Germany and Canada and South Africa, etc. And I learn soooo much. We each share our ‘views’ of our world outside, and inside. Best of luck to you in your new blog. I hope your muse stays with you (I’m sure she will) but that your bump heals quickly.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you Pam for your kind and delightful comment. Your welcome means a lot and will give courage in these early flights out into the world.
    I have been following many of you for some time without committing to having a blog and found just as you say. You ( we) talk to each other.
    Move quickly at the speed of thought. It is a wonderful way to get to know each other and the world. Through real people who live and work there.

    It took about half a year for the concussion to heal but the whispering voice is
    still with me. 🙂


  6. Hi Miriam
    It’s true that every cloud has a silver lining – in your case the accident with the lorry releasing your muse. May it now stay with you always. Loved the poem. In fact I can’t resist saying that I found it a-muse-ing.(sorry about that).
    You have a great view from your window too.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you very much Mike for your kind and amusing comment.
      It made me smile and make the silver lining even clearer.

      This morning the views through the window (s) are even brighter as the
      sun made its sudden appearance.


  7. Welcome Miriam, to the world of blogging! There are many things to learn on how to be a better blogger and many are important. But the most precious thing to remember is to be true to yourself which for you means, keep writing your lovely poetry. And if you move one person because of your verse then you have moved mountains… jc

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Lovely to see you here JC and thank you for your welcome and following.

    It is indeed true that to really – for any human being – to give from our hearts and in honesty is the only way to reach the core of our fellow man. With combined strength of this we might move mountains……or at least many pebbles.:)


  9. Pingback: One Lovely Blogger Award – Ramblings of a Writer

  10. Thank you Elsie, you made me smile. Wonderful that you enjoyed
    the view, makes any gardener’s heart happy. Being spring time in
    England nature is bursting everywhere out of its confines.

    Thank you so very much for the nomination, it is an honour, especially
    for a beginner like me. I will read the rules and see how I can cope.😊

    Liked by 1 person

  11. What a wonderful way to start your journey in the blogging world Miriam. You have a beautiful warm voice that I can hear already and I’m going to enjoy following you and reading your works. Warmest wishes from down under. 🙂❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Thank you Miriam from ‘down under’ for your beautiful welcome.
    To make others feel genuinely welcome is a great gift you give and I cherish it. As you know I am already enjoying following your spirited and beautiful blog.
    Warmest wishes from ‘ up top?” 😊💕


  13. Wow Sharon, thank you for your fun and sweet comment.
    Also for the welcome to the blogging world. With satellite signals floating about one can even sit in a deck chair and talk to everyone.😊


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